Grade 1
This fortnight, students in Grade 1 have been using a mentor text each week to help develop their reading skills. Students have been exploring new pages in the book each day and using the text and images to help support their comprehension skills. Students have been loving the conversations that have been happening and learning new words that they can add to their vocabulary. The mentor text we are currently reading is called “The Pear in the Pear Tree” by Pamela Allen. The Grade 1 students can look forward to exploring lots of new and exciting mentor texts throughout the term!
This fortnight, students have begun a new writing genre focusing on persuasive writing. Students have learned all about using conjunctions and adjectives to add detail to their opinions. Students have spent time describing reasons as to why they chose their opinion. They were able to use their background knowledge, punctuation and wow words to structure their persuasive writing in order to convince their readers to believe them.
In Maths, students have been revising place value to 100. Students made numbers on tens frames and used bundles to represent different numbers. They also revised counting forwards and backwards to 100.
Grade 1 students have started a new unit on addition. Over the coming weeks, we will explore a range of written and mental strategies we can use to add numbers together.
In Integrated, students have explored a range of cultural attractions around Australia. They identified why people visit these places and why they are important.