Principal's News

Where every child is known, challenged and supported to be lifelong learners.

Dear Parents and Friends,


Welcome back. I hope you all had an amazing break and spent time with family and friends. Our children have had some wonderful experiences these holidays. Some have travelled and explored Europe, Hawaii, Indonesia, while others spent time travelling our wonderful country. Whatever you did, I hope you enjoyed the time together as a family.


I have to say I was a nervous wreck on Saturday - it was a very close game and I was on the edge of my seat. Glenn and Fiona managed to get tickets to the Grand Final and they had the best day ever!! Go the Flagpies!!


As with all terms we are in for another busy term with lots of events happening. Please make sure you read all notes from us to make sure you are up to date. The platforms we use are Audiri (for reminders and day to day events that occur), Operoo (for permission forms and medical information) and emails.


If you do not have Audiri (SkoolBag) as an App on your phone I highly recommend that you download it if possible. If you do not know how, please come and see Tracey in the office and she will happily help you!


We have been very hard practicing our songs for our School Production and the children have done an amazing job learning all the words. On Monday we had our first dance rehearsal with STOMP, (the company that is running the production), on Monday and the children did an amazing job learning their routines and our dance instructor was very impressed with our classes! 


Just a reminder the school production is in Week 5 - Thursday 2nd November 7.00pm start at St Louis Hall. Tickets will go on sale next week via CDFpay. There will be a limit of 5 tickets per family.   Please note there is no allocated seating. We are looking forward to seeing our “STARS” on stage. There may even be a surprise guest appearance…..


Finally, the sun is starting to come out and warm us up from a cold winter. This term full summer uniform is to be worn including hats. Our policy is No Hats No Play, which means if a student does not have a school hat they must play under the verandahs. Girls are not to wear their sports shorts on any other day except for sports day.  In Term 1, we did allow this to occur as we were waiting on our new summer navy culottes to arrive. They have arrived so girls can wear either their summer dress or the culottes with the St Brigid's Polo for Term 4. Sports shoes are only to be worn on PE days, unless a note goes home asking children to wear their sports uniform due to an event occurring. 


Please remember our school uniform policy includes hair (no extreme hair styles eg shaved sides and if below the collar it must be tied up), jewellery (only studs in ears and a necklace with a cross or religious symbol) and clear nail polish only. 


We wish all our Year 6 Confirmation Candidates prayers and blessings for their Confirmation on Thursday Night. The children met with Bishop Tony on Wednesday and had a practice at the church. I was very proud of how well they spoke to the Bishop and how much they knew about their Saints. I am looking forward to celebrating with them tonight,


I have some exciting news to share with you - we are in the process of upgrading our Playground.  There are quite a few steps we have to go through in order to build the playground.


We have to get 3 quotes and because it is an upgrade to the school we have to send the quotes through to MACS to get  approval. We are now waiting on this approval to occur. The construction will hopefully begin early Term 1, 2024.  It will take approximately 2 weeks for the new playground to be completed. We are looking forward to seeing what our new playground will look like.


Due to work commitments our “SoFunTeam” fundraising group are not going to be able to continue on with the fundraising role. Schools cannot manage these events without the support of parents to help organise and run these events. It would be great to have a group of parents who would be willing to take on Fundraising.


Please come and see me if you would like to take on this role or get some more information.


The stork is going to be very busy in March for two staff members at St Brigid’s. We very happily announce that both Moira (Year 6)  and Heather (Year 5) will be having babies in March. We are all very excited for them both and they have lots of aunts, uncles and mema’s waiting to meet them.


Thursday 5th October - Year 6 - Confirmation 7.00pm

Wednesday 11th October - F-Year 2 Body Education Parent/Child night with Kelly Nash - 5.30pm

Friday 13th October - Grandparents/Special Persons Morning - 8.30am - 10.30am

Wednesday 18th  October - Foundation Prayer in PJ’s - 5pm

Wednesday 25th October - Foundation 2024 Information Night 7.00pm - 8.00pm

Thursday 26th October - MIni Fete run by the Arts and Culture Leadership Group

Friday 27th October - Year 4 Reconciliation - St Brigid’s Church 9.30am

Thursday 2nd November - School Production - St Louis Hall - 7.00pm

Monday 6th November - School Closure Day

Tuesday 7th November - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday

Thursday 9th November - Year 1/2 Camping Experience -  3.15pm - 6.00pm

Friday 10th November - Tabloid Sports Day run by the Year 6 Sports Leaders

Tuesday 14th November - Year 4 Camp Information Night - 7.00pm

Wednesday 15th November - Year 1 Baptism Activity Night - 5pm &  Year 2 Pre-Sacrament Activity Night - 7.00pm

Wednesday 29th and 30th November - Year 4 Urban Camp 

Friday 1st December - Colour Run

Wednesday 13th December - Year 6 Graduation - St Brigid’s Church - 5pm

Thursday 14th December - Year 6 Big Day Out 

Friday 15th December - Thanksgiving Mass - 11.30am at St Brigid’s Church; 1:30pm - End of Year Assembly 1.30pm - Last Day for Students


This is of course not an exhaustive list, but it is the main events that are occurring mainly out of school hours.


Last term the City of Kingston asked us if we would like to submit some of our students Artwork for the new playground at the Peter Scullin Reserve.    The new playground will be opened at 10:00am on Saturday.  Families are warmly invited to attend the opening.  The City of Kingston told us our Artworks look fantastic.

This is the lovely response we received from Kingston Council:


Firstly I would like to thank you and your students for assisting us with ghe deliver of the Peter Scullin Playspace.

The art work they created is fantastic and we have had some great feedback from the community.

It really has helped to enhance the space and the work is really appreciated.

We have an official opening organised for this Saturday the 7th at 10am -11am

Can you please pass on our thanks and the invite to your students.

I sincerely hope they attend this weekend, we have cookies and popcorn available during he event.


We were very excited to welcome back Miss Allaf who has taken over STEM this term from Mrs Finster who has commenced her maternity leave.


We are still on the way to Sydney - make sure you come along and help us reach Sydney before the end of the year! 


Kilbreda College posted some exciting news over the holidays with the announcement of the College Captains for 2024.  We were filled with pride when we learnt that Alicia Noble former St Brigid's Student and sister of Blake in Year 4 was announced as College Co-Captian.  Well done Alicia.  We know you will be an outstanding leader of Kilbreda for 2024.

We also wanted to say a BIG congratulations to Emma Greaney on her recent 2023 Brigid Award.  Well done Emma.


Our prayerful sympathy is extended to the Forbes Family on the passing of Maryanne's Mother and Liam, Charlotte, Grace and Chole's (5H) Grandmother - Frances Vugrincic.

