Hello, from PE

News from PE-  Ms. Laura Hicks.


Regional Athletics

On Monday, the Regional Athletics were held in Bendigo. We had Louis from Grade 5 compete in the Shot Put. He was very successful and claimed 3rd place. He was only centimeters away from going to the state finals. A fantastic achievement Louis. Well done!


Scooters/Bike Repairs

This term we are going to run scooter sessions in PE. We are looking for any scooters that children may have outgrown or are no longer using to donate to our school. The scooters need to be in good working condition. We also have a few school bikes that are not in great condition. If anyone has the time/ability to help fix any bikes in preparation for next term, that would be greatly appreciated. Please send an email to laura.hicks@education.vic.gov.au



All students will be participating in swimming sessions at the Peter Krenz Leisure Centre in week 6 (6th-10th November). There will be more information sent home to families in the coming weeks.


PE - Dates to remember

Term 4

November 6th - 10th- Swimming Week for all students