Hello, from the kitchen.

You may recall from the end of last term (or last week as the end of term kitchen update was accidentally reposted in last week’s newsletter!) that the plan for this term was to have a go at making our own pasta from scratch.  Well, we did it!!

As you can see from the photos above, our pasta was a resounding success!!  Thanks to the donation of a pasta machine from the Dixon family (thank you so much!!) our students made a basic egg pasta dough recipe and rolled it out and cut fettuccini. A second pasta machine would help to speed up the process, so if anyone else has a spare one taking up space in the back of their cupboard, it would be greatly appreciated in our kitchen as we have plans for other students to have a go at pasta making too!  

The other thing we have discovered we need is something to hang the pasta from while it is drying.  Don’t worry, we cleaned the chairs thoroughly before having the pasta on it, but a small camping clothes line or a proper pasta hanger would be very handy!

We added a simple pesto using leafy greens from our school garden to the pasta once it was cooked and it was delicious!!

We also had a coleslaw with homemade mayonnaise to go with our pasta, made entirely from salad ingredients from our garden.

For dessert, we had biscuits with neopolitan sprinkles on them which were delicious too.  Another pair of students made chocolate balls for afternoon tea as well.


The trickiest part in the kitchen, with so much going on, is remembering to take photos of all the different things being made at the same time!