Outside the Classroom

Year 12 Formal
The year 12 formal was definitely a night to remember as it was our last one ever. Coming together with my friends, peers, and teachers who were dressed in amazing dresses and suits and dancing with them was super fun! My night was especially made because of the delicious dinner and dessert that was offered.
Ayesha R
Year 10 Ski Camp
Earlier this term some of our Year 10s went to Falls Creek for ski camp where they learnt how to downhill and cross country ski, and how to look after and appreciate the alpine environment.
Elisa Smith
Year 7 Pyjama Day
Our very own Year 7 Student Voice Leaders developed and facilitated their very own conference delivered to Merri-bek Primary School students to further develop their own and others leadership skills. The day resulted in a joint fundraiser held on 5th of September with both schools wearing pj's to school and raising funds to go towards this foundation to support youth homelessness.
Katrina Aralios
Year 10 Formal
The Year 10 formal was an absolute blast! When we walked into that awesome venue, the music was already pumping, and it was impossible not to get into the groove. We were all dressed to impress, and the dance floor was calling our names. Dinner was on point, with delicious food that kept us fueled for more dancing. And then, dessert! Everyone enjoyed the food so much. The night was all about good times, good friends, and good music. We laughed, danced, and made some epic memories. It's safe to say we all had an amazing time!
Taneisha B
A massive thanks to Taneisha, Lila, and the Formal Committee for putting together such an amazing night!
Year 7 Summit
Year 7 had the opportunity to go away to the Summit day camp. There were many activities like leap of faith, laser tag, bush games and challenges putting our minds and bodies to work. We committed to leaping, working out which puzzle piece goes where, playing strategic games with each other during laser tag and climbing out of a deep hole with a soft surface. In my opinion the hardest activity was to overcome the leap of faith because it was deceiving from the bottom making you think it is easy, but once you get up there it scares you to death! With commitment and encouragement by students peers you eventually jump. Some tactics that were used among students were encouragement, commitment and confidence. So if you ever go or do anything of the sort just remember a little encouragement can go a long way.
Reggie Q
Bachar Houli A Game Program
During Term 3, the Year 9 and 10 students participated in the Bachar Houli A Game Program. Over the course of six weeks, the students actively participated in both theoretical and practical activities, which encompassed a wide range of essential skills and topics, including goal setting, leadership, resilience, gratitude and physical fitness.
I highly enjoyed this program due to the highly initiative staff that ran the program helped me to improve my personal aspects and physical skills. This program helped me to spend my time productively, as well as discover new aspects of leadership, gratitude and football. Nikolai
In this program, we enjoyed the prac, due to the fact that prac helped us keep our mind focused, we built relationships with each other, and this program allowed us to communicate and help the year nines look up to the year 10s, it helped us build our footy skills up and we became close with the instructors.
Muhammad, Laila, Abraham, Ahmaad
This program was very inspiring and intriguing because of the fun activities we did during prac, learning the basics of footy from expert beginners, and the theoretical sessions helped me build relationships.
Hana and Zein
I liked this program for the following reasons: it was fun, I spent quality time with my friends and I learned good life skills such as goal-setting and leadership skills.
I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the Bachar Houli Foundation and the dedicated instructors for organising and delivering this incredibly valuable and captivating program at Coburg High School. Special thanks go to Kieran for his invaluable assistance and support throughout this program.
Mem Oztas
The Year 8 and 9 Mandarin classes had an interesting excursion to ACMI in Federation Square and Lucky Little Dumplings in Pentridge Coburg on Monday the 31st of July. We learnt about family culture and values in China while watching The Farewell at ACMI, which is based on a true story from the life of writer and director, Lulu Wang. The film is based around how a Chinese family’s beloved 奶奶 nǎinai (grandma) is sick with cancer, and believed to only have around three months to live. In Chinese culture, families often don’t tell their loved ones if they’re sick, because it is believed to hasten the process of death if they do know. Billie, the main character and granddaughter to her nǎinai must process this news and keep her calm while possibly creating her last memories with her beloved nǎinai.
After watching the Farewell, we went to Lucky Little Dumplings in Pentridge Coburg and had a delicious feast of our choice which included things from 炒饭 (chǎofàn - fried rice) to 饺子 (jiǎozi - dumplings).
Vivian, Grace & Anna
Year 9 Mandarin
Other feedback from Year 8 and 9 Mandarin students:
“I learned how to use chopsticks.”
“Dumplings are very tasty.”
“I learned about the differences between Chinese and western culture and found some new delicious foods that I like to eat.”
“I learnt that Chinese culture is very similar to Thai culture. I learnt that from the movie.”
“I learned the different perspectives between the west and the east about family and oneself.”
“Learned how to casually use Mandarin phrases in everyday life.”
“Dumplings are delicious and in the east you are part of the community and you carry others' burdens.”
Simone Laiu
Student Achievement
State Schools Spectacular
On Saturday 9 September it was my great privilege to attend the Victorian State Schools Spectacular as a representative of the Coburg High School Principal Team.
Two of our Year 8s absolutely shone in this performing arts extravaganza: Holly D, as an aerialist, and Charlotte A, as a member of the choir!
Participation involved a significant commitment, both to audition and then in rehearsals that spanned more than 6 months.
We congratulate both students on their enormous contribution and encourage any students considering applying for 2024 to speak with Holly or Charlotte to learn more about what's involved!
Melanie Buscema-Moore
TAC Unity Cup
On Sunday we played AFL9s in the TAC Unity Cup. We represented the Adam Saad Pathways Academy under the team name 'Laloifi-Velardo', Mua Laloifi is an AFLW Ambassador and Amelia Velardo is an AFLW player that trained the team during the season. We finished the day undefeated and won the grand final as well as winning the 'Play to Win Cup'.
Laila R (Year 10) & Lyric M (Year 8)
VSSEC Excursion
We are excited to report back from our recent excursion, "Problem Red Planet," which took place on Friday, 8 September, at the Victorian Space Science Education Centre (VSSEC).
Our 7G mathematics students were transported into the shoes of interns at the Australian Space Agency, where they faced a thrilling mission. An astronaut, Peta, had been stranded on Mars at the HAB (Habitat), with the daunting task of reaching an old Mars Ascent Vehicle (MAV) situated on the far side of Mons Olympus, the tallest mountain in our solar system. To succeed, they had to utilise algebra to determine if Peta could make this journey without depleting crucial resources or encountering dangerous radiation levels.
Our 7G students applied algebraic equations and their problem-solving skills to calculate the exact requirements for their mission. Fortunately, the mission was a success and Peta was able to make it to and launch the MAV and safely return home to Australia.
Big thanks to everyone who made it possible for us to go on this excursion and to Jessica McCarthy for coming along with us.
Liam McMahon
Model UN
On Tuesday the 14 of September, Coburg High hosted the annual Model United Nations General Assembly. We had the pleasure of hosting many schools such as AIA, Uni High School, and Northcote College. Students were given the opportunity to choose a country of their choice on the United Nations member list and research their current positions on the Climate Change Resolution.
We were required to have a possible amendment formulated and propose it to other countries, which highlighted our negotiation and deliberation skills.
The year 11 politics class, took an extra step and initiative to dress up. Everyone put on their suits and collard shirts, myself included, to look the part. Everyone looked great! Along with the props and printed out speeches, the atmosphere itself felt super legitimate and professional and it was great to be a part of for a taste tester of what the UN is like. We even had to use the correct vernacular when addressing fellow countries and people with terms such as 'fellow delegates' and 'honourable secretary' which was a fun formality.
The secretary general herself was a previous senior official with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, which was super beneficial for anyone who had questions to ask her and she was lovely to talk to, which I took advantage of.
Overall the day itself ran super smoothly, starting off with speeches from all the selected countries present which showed how well everyone researched. It was great to see everyone engaged contributing and acting as their country would have accordingly. It was such a good day and it would be so great to see such an opportunity continued and commemorated at Coburg High, and I'd love to do it again if I could.
Thank you to everyone who helped run the day it was so much fun and it was great for a change of pace.
Sienna F
Basketball Academy Update
Term 3 was all about personal growth and character building. Each week we discussed topics like:
- Routines and habits
- Accountability
- Overcoming hurdles
- Celebrating daily wins
- Learning from failure
- Expectations and standards
We welcomed special guest coaches and speakers, and hosted the Tuen Mum Sports Academy from Hong Kong.
We held morning yoga sessions with Coach Frank, and wrapped up the term with a 3x3 tournament.
Mike Torres and Michael Fortune