Principal's & School Captains' Report

I hope you enjoy this newsletter, which shows how many exciting events took place in the latter part of Term 3 - from our outstanding production - Alice in Wonderful: Down the Rabbit Hole, incursions and other events within our classrooms, the Year 10 and Year 12 Formals, RU OK? Day in the last week of term, Holly and Charlotte's starring roles in the State Schools Spectacular, sporting success as well as some engaging excursions. In coming weeks we look forward to the Colour Explosion, last school days for our outstanding Year 12 cohort, Burgfest and Vis Arts evening and Battle of the Bands and Coburg on the Green.
Technology Building planning
Since the last newsletter we have had further development of the $17.8m Technology building for Coburg High School, with the Schematic Design taking shape. Members of our School Council and school leadership have visited Melba College, Northcote High School and Edgar's Creek Secondary College to understand how we can best develop a facility which will meet the needs of our students for the years to come. We also hosted feedback sessions with students, staff and parents as well as an indigenous consultation session and presentation to School Council. I look forward to sharing some further details once this stage is fully complete.
Walking and Riding
Parliamentary Inquiry Into Vulnerable Road Users
The CHS Walking and Riding sub-committee (Cate Hall, Jane Holroyd, Josh R and me) presented to the Parliamentary Inquiry Into Vulnerable Road Users held at Coburg Town Hall. You can read the transcript of our evidence here. We thank our local member, Anthony Cianflone, for bringing the inquiry to Coburg so we, along with other interested locals, could put forward our view for better infrastructure and lower speeds for our students.
Bell Street Bridge
We're pleased that the state government has released the Bell Street Bridge community feedback from the survey VicRoads completed earlier in the year. The summary of the feedback stated: Changes made on Bell Street Bridge in early 2022 have been welcomed. However, they have not translated into improved perceptions of safety for the community. We'll continue to advocate for further improvements to the bridge and surrounding intersections for the safety of our students and the community.
Murray Road
We are pleased that Anthony Cianflone met with Safe Walking and Riding for Murray Road's Cate Hall recently. This is another key road we need to make safer for our students. You can read Anthony's mention of this in Parliament here.
Stockade Avenue & Pentridge Boulevard intersection
As per my recent newsfeed and video to students, this is a dangerous intersection and students need to take extra care, particularly if riding down the steep hill in the mornings. I have spoken to police and held a recent site meeting at the intersection with representatives from Merri-bek Council. This is another site where we will continue to advocate for safety improvements.
Inside the school
A reminder to parents and carers that students must be dropped off and picked up only at the roundabout at the front of the school, not in the staff car park.
Why?This is a key part of the school's traffic management plan. It is important to minimise the number of cars on our site, as this reduces the likelihood of crashes between cars and pedestrians and bike riders. 77% or around 1000 CHS students walk, ride or catch public transport to school each day and we need to do everything possible to keep them safe.
What if the roundabout is full? If students need to be driven to or picked up from to school and the roundabout is busy, we would encourage parents to consider alternatives a little further away from school, such as on Pentridge Boulevard.
Are there any exceptions? If a student has a disability or short term injury (e.g. broken leg and on crutches) which means they are less mobile than other students, they can be dropped off or picked up in the staff car park. Parents/carers attending the school for meetings, or events outside of school hours are also able to use the staff car park. A 10km/h speed limit applies throughout the school.
Plantings at the entrance to the school
On Sunday 13 August, twenty plus parents, students and staff spent a morning planting and mulching at the front of the school, on the roundabout and on the western boundary. If you've visited recently hopefully you have noticed these plantings which have improved this area markedly. I would like to thank parent Emma Hopkins for her leadership of these works.
School Captains Report
This term the captains have been finalising changes we want to see as well as working with student voice to develop student involvement in leadership and change at the school. We have been very excited to see the success in student voice campaigning for the R U OK? Day on the 14th of September, adding to the success of all the other events planned and organised by the student voice team. Us 2023 captains are coming to the end of year 12 and we have had the pleasure of handing over to next year's captains who’ll be taking our place. We met with the 2024 captains Patrick, Emma, Jonah, and Mary to discuss all things school captain, sharing ideas of possible changes to the school and a brief orientation into the role. We’ve had a great Term 3 and can’t wait to see what term 4 brings for Coburg High. Remember if you have any concerns or suggestions you wish to raise with the school, you are more than welcome to ask any of either the 2023 or 2024 captains or any student voice representative.
Josh, Tabby, Ezzat, and Monique
Introducing our 2024 School Captains
Hey, I’m Patrick G, and I’m ecstatic to be a school captain next year. I’m active in the extra curriculars at our school, and you may have seen me running in the green body outfit at the athletics carnival. I think that the social environment of our school is amazing, and love to talk to people from many different year levels. I cannot wait to improve the quality of school for all of our peers, so if you have any ideas or problems don’t hesitate to Email any of us so that we can make action as soon as possible. My fellow captains are extremely talented, so I’m optimistic for what we can accomplish this year and next.
I’m Emma G. I’m excited to be school captain for 2024. I love being involved in school and collaborating with other students in class and in extracurriculars (like debating). I’m looking forward to be representing student voice within the school and working with people to ensure school is a safe, enjoyable environment for students.
I'm Jonah D. I've been at CHS since year 7. I have always loved to get involved with things at this school especially the extracurricular activities and school run events. I love student leadership and representing the cohorts of this school. The other captains and myself are all eager to get started in our roles and improve this school as best we can.
Im Mary H and I have been a Coburg High student since year 7. I have always had a connection with the school as it has provided me with amazing opportunities. I love being social and I want to connect the Coburg High School community together by helping out other students, connecting parents and building up new relationships. Working with the other captains I want to provide new ideas and new points of views to leave a final impact on the school who has made me who I am today. Im so excited to take on this role!