Kindy News 

Deb McGrath, Chelsea Sutherland

We had a very busy Term 3. Our Talk4Writing text was ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ and we had many amazing activities organised thanks to Miss Jones our trainee teacher. We even had some real caterpillar chrysalies that hatched into butterflies.  


To celebrate our term's learning we had a Teddy Bears picnic lunch and movie afternoon. We all got to bring in a soft toy to school and dress up. We had an amazing day. 

This term, our Talk4writing text is ‘The Enormous Turnip’ and we are looking forward to many fun new experiences. 


Miss Sutherland will be teaching us about sun safety this term. We must all remember to bring our hats every day! 


We have our Boogie Bounce in-school activity coming up and our open classroom afternoons. Please check the Dates to Remember page in this bullettin or check the School Calendar on our website for dates.