Principal's Report

We’ve had a great start to the term. I always love having chats with students about their holiday adventures. The teachers also had a well deserved break and are feeling refreshed and ready for the next 12 weeks. It is a long term ahead, so it is important everyone (staff, students and parents/carers) practice self care, maintain routines, eat well and rest for mental and physical wellbeing. I am also noticing the exceptional manners our students show – I love that I walk through classrooms or the playground and have children of all ages ask me how my day is going or to have a good day. I know the teachers are also noticing the same through their interactions with them.


World Teachers Day

Today is Work Teachers Day. We value and appreciate them every day, but today we all take the time to reflect on all their hard work, commitment and dedication to the students in their class and the whole school community. We are extremely fortunate to have such an incredible team of teachers and to show our appreciation, I invite families to support their children to write a gratitude note to them over the next week. We will also acknowledge World Teachers Day at our whole school assembly next Thursday afternoon.


Buildings and Grounds update

We have finally had approval to upgrade our shelter (middle of 5/6 classrooms). Works were supposed to begin during the holidays, but were held up with some permit issues. Once they have been approved, we will begin the process and hope to have it completed by the beginning of next year.


It is also important to acknowledge Jimmy Boxer and the work he puts in to keep our school grounds immaculate. It is important we support this by instilling a sense of pride in our school grounds and realise that everyone plays a role in caring for them. We noticed an increase in rubbish and food scraps last term (particularly on mornings we have breakfast club mornings). 


Our very first Events Team meeting is on this Friday at 2.30. We have the Referendum day BBQ coming up on the 14th October, which will need the support from a team of parents. Please come along if you are available. If not, we will be looking for helpers on the day.


Our 2nd Annual Parent Forums is on Tuesday night next week. We are hoping lots of parents are available to attend. Please RSVP using the link below.


Grade allocations 2024

We are in the beginning stages of planning for 2024. If you have any requests for next year, please email them to by Monday 30th October. We will consider all requests, however there are many factors that influence teacher allocations and grade groupings.


Save the date

Please put Thursday 30th November in your calendar – end of year family night. We are in the planning stages and excited about this celebration (more details to come over the coming weeks).