
After listening to the stories Anno's Counting Book and One Fox, the Prep students created a classroom counting book. They worked in small groups, collected various objects and then demonstrated the 'manyness' or quantity of a matching numeral. They were encouraged to touch and move each object as they counted; this ensured that objects were not double counted and the amount was correct.
In Literacy, the students listened to the story Possum Goes to School. We discussed the concepts of print, including the book's title, defining the purpose of an author and illustrator, the correct position to hold a book and the direction to read the text. Reading stories provides an opportunity to build vocabulary, make personal connections to the text and support good listening behaviours. In response to the story, the Preps drew their favourite part of the story.
The Preps have commenced InitiaLit. InitiaLit is our evidence-based phonics program, and this week, the students are learning what a word is and counting words in a sentence. During the literacy block, they learn in a variety of ways.
Casey Caterpillar is the handwriting program that we teach alongside the InitiaLit. We have read Casey's story, and the Preps have started practising the shapes that form various letters. They are developing their fine motor skills in preparation for writing by participating in fine motor activities. Finger Gym is a very popular activity!
Education in Faith
On Tuesday, the Preps enjoyed the pancake language experience. Tuesday was Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Tuesday. Shrove Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the season of Lent. Lent is the forty days in preparation for Easter. The students enjoyed watching the process of making the pancakes, and the best part was eating them.