Wellbeing Matters 

A warm welcome back to all of our school community. I hope everyone enjoyed their Summer break even if it did feel like we were living in Queensland with wet and humid weather.


I would like to take this opportunity to reintroduce myself as the Student Support Officer at Boorowa Central School.

The Student Support Officer role commenced at Boorowa Central School in January, 2023.

This is a full-time school-based role funded by the school which involves working in the school community with students, parents/carers, and school staff, as well as community organisations and the wider community.

As the Student Support Officer I work alongside students to promote safety, resilience and pro-social behaviours, as well as being a point of call for students to seek advice, guidance, and support. This may involve facilitating whole school initiatives for all students, working with some students in small groups or providing support to individual students as needed.


As the Student Support Officer I play a key role in connecting both students and families to higher levels of support including the school counsellor and external mental health workers.


As the Student Support Officer at Boorowa Central Central School I pride myself on being accessible to support students throughout the school day. I am a strong believer that no door is the wrong door, so if I am unable to help you I will ensure to actively seek someone who can.


From helping students start their day with breakfast club to helping them with access to food, school supplies or friendship breakdowns, I am here to help.

If you as their parent or care giver have any concerns in regards to your child please feel free to get in touch with their class teacher, Year Advisor or myself.


If your child indicates that they may be struggling you may like to engage with your GP or in an emergency call 000 for the Ambulance.


Below are some key phone numbers that may be able to assist you;


NSW Mental Health Access Line 1800 011 511- staffed by mental health professionals, the line gives NSW residents access to expert mental health advice, support and referrals for people dealing with a mental health problems, their families and carers.

Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free 24/7 confidential and private counselling service specifically for children and young people aged 5 to 25. Call 1800 55 1800.


I hope we all have a very safe and enjoyable 2024.