Principal's Address

Welcome back

Welcome back to Boorowa Central School for 2024. The feeling around the school is very positive with staff and students alike feeling optimistic about the year ahead. Whilst school may not be preferrable to holidays for many of our students, our school is certainly a great place to be educated and supported to achieve individual excellence. We have many events coming up this term, please keep an eye on the calendar in Compass and check your child(ren)’s bag for permission notes. It’s amazing how many times I have a conversation with a parent about an excursion permission note for them to discover that their child ‘forgot’ to take it out of their bag.


New Staff

We have 7 new members of staff this year at our beautiful school. Our new members of staff are:

Ms Katrina Collins – Front Office

Miss Charlotte Groves – Year ¾ Teacher

Miss Phoebe Wood – RFF Teacher in Infants

Mr Mitch Flyght – English Teacher

Mrs Anna Dreverman – Faculty Leader of English / HSIE

Mr James McDonald – Agriculture / Science Teacher

Ms Cass Merifield – Mathematics Teacher


I welcome all of our wonderful additions to the school and our community. A staff profile for each of these staff has either been posted on our school Facebook page or will be in the near future. Continue to follow our page to learn more about our new staff.


Swimming Carnival

Our Annual Swimming Carnival on Wednesday was a highly successful event. Attendance and participation numbers were very high with many students enjoying a variety of races and novelty events.

I had the pleasure of speaking to many parents on the day who found the time to enjoy the carnival with us. For those who were unable to join us, please enjoy the photos.



School Wide Focus

This year at Boorowa Central we are refining our Teaching and Learning Focus. In 2024, all staff will be implementing a culture of high expectations for all students and will support them to rise to these expectations each and everyday. This will be achieved through the establishment and maintenance of orderly classroom environments using highly effective behaviour management and differentiated strategies. This will then ensure that student learning time is maximised at all times.

This focus will be supported by the updated Department of Education Behaviour Strategy including the Suspension and Expulsion procedure as well a school driven analysis of student engagement at Boorowa Central School.

Australia Day

I had the pleasure of joining a large crowd for the Australia Day celebrations held at the Boorowa Rotunda on Australia Day. I enjoyed an egg and bacon roll cooked by Boorowa Lions Club before purchasing a duck for the annual Rotary Club of Boorowa duck race and settled in for the formalities. Our School Captain Mollie McKinley and Student Leader Emma Criag did a great job of being the masters of ceremony for formal proceedings. A special mention also to Year 7 student Ivy Taylor who was nominated as the Young Australia Day Ambassador for Boorowa. Ivy had the honour of speaking about what Australia Day means to her before introducing our Ambassador Greg Donovan during the ceremony. She spoke very well.


Congratulations to the Boorowa Central School students who were nominated and won Australia Day Awards. Our award recipients were:

- Sportsperson of the Year U’12 2023 - Amali Bush

- Joint U’18 Sportsperson of the Year 2023 - Isabella Piper

- Sporting Team of the Year nomination for 2023 - Boorowa Central School Opens Touch Football Team


Escaped steer

I had my first experience of dealing with an escaped steer on Monday morning when one of our newly acquired steers jumped his way through the fence. After some encouragement, he returned safely to the Ag farm and into the cattle yard with our other steer, ready to be fed and trained for a cattle show in Term 2. More information about this to come soon.

Thank you to the members of the community who assisted on the day. It would have been much more challenging without your help.