Student Awards

Along with a new uniform we have also changed the process for this year’s positive people awards! Each week throughout the school year there will be a different award focus

Last week classes focused on consistently following taught school and class routines, these include things like; lining up, eating sensibly and calmly, our class routines around reading, numeracy and other subjects, as well as general classroom expectations. 

When teachers notice a student doing a particularly good job in this area they can be awarded a ticket. Tickets then go into a draw and one student from each class is chosen at random to receive the positive people award. The more tickets a student has earned the greater chance they have to be selected. 

House points are also collated, with each ticket adding 1 house point to the total. 


  The current totals for overall house points are:

In 4th place on 76 points - VENTUS

In 3rd place on 84 points - AQUA

In 2nd place on 99 points - TERRA

In 1st place on 103 points - IGNIS

Foundation AElsie Nicol
Foundation BDeclan Dalton
1AEvelyn McDonald
1/2CAlby Brown
2AFreya Cleverley
2BKohan Eagle
3AElla Huddart
3BMerryn Cleverley
4AGabriella Thorne
4BFelix Hayward
4CFrankie Sepe
5AKaley Grayson
5BEva Crothers
5CNate Taverna-James
6ACalvin Traill
6BMia Newell
6CAsha Taylor-Wright

Well done to all these students, and everyone who received tickets towards their house points this week!