Year 9/10

Ms Haye and Ms Hassan

Year 10


2024 has started exceptionally well for our Year 10 students. Nearly all students are in full school uniform, working with their teachers and behaving in a mature and polite manner. The Year 10 Leaders are proud of the Year 10 cohort and how well they have adapted to being in Year 10. Study Hall is full at lunch time as students work and study, showing their dedication to their studies and an excellent work ethic.


On the February 12th the Year 10 cohort participated in Connection Day where they worked in groups on activities that fostered their connection with each other and their teachers. We had a sausage sizzle for lunch and there were prizes for students who had collected tickets during the day for participating in the activities or helping others. Although it was 37 degrees, the students did well to complete all the activities! A big thank you to Laura Sculley, one of the Assistant Year 10 Leaders, on planning and organising the day!


Attendance is a focus this year and we are working with students and families to improve attendance across the cohort as Year 10 is an important year that sets up future pathways. Our Attendance officer, Bri Ryan, is doing an amazing job with following up absences and already we have seen an overall improvement in the attendance of our cohort. Attendance is the key to success for all our students!


It has been an eventful first five weeks but really positive and productive. I am looking forward to working with the Year 10 cohort this semester as they continue to develop and mature as they have their Career Action plan meetings with a member of the Careers team, go on work experience and sit mid-year exams. 


Teresa Hayes,


Year 10 Leader