RGAR House Awards

Mr Terry Gibney and Mr Oliver Churchyard

The RGAR point system allows the school to award participants who demonstrate good work, sportsmanship, commendable citizenship, among other attributes. Recognition of achievement via the RGAR awards is aimed toward inspiring House members to strive towards a common goal and at the same time working for their personal ones.


Apart from forging a greater sense of identity, our school House system and the development of a strong house culture offers several benefits for our students:


Fostering a Sense of Identity - Through adopting its own theme and identity, the Houses within our house system serve to create a sense of belonging and identity among members. Students will be made to feel right at home by participating in a series of activities such as helping out in school events.

Building New Ties - The sense of camaraderie and friendship is what our school is trying to develop. From the annual Sports Carnivals to day-to-day activities, the House system allows Houses to intermingle and team up together – albeit sometimes with a little friendly competition.

Cultivating Leadership - Within a House, students can undertake several roles – including leadership ones – to help them contribute and make a difference.


Within the RGAR point system, students are awarded points in four categories and throughout this and the coming years exciting, rewarding and interesting activities will be introduced within these categories in order to help develop our you people

  1. Arts & Clubs
  2. Leadership & Community
  3. Sport & Recreation
  4. Values

Points are assigned by staff and accumulate throughout a student’s time at CESC.


When a student has reached 1,000 points in any category they will be awarded a badge and a bronze merit for that category. The merit is attached to the badge. They will continue to accumulate points and be awarded a silver merit at 2,000 points, a gold merit at 3,500 points and a platinum merit at 5,000 points. These points are visible to both students and parents in Compass. An SMS will be sent home each time a students is awarded a badge. Badges and merits will be awarded at whole school or year level assemblies.

House Assemblies

The beginning of this term saw CESC holding their first House assemblies for the year. Each assembly was a great occasion with Captains being announced in for each House as well as sign-ups for this terms inter-house activities (volleyball and a spelling bee). 


Please join me in congratulating the following students for their selection as House Captains for 2024!


House Captains

Sport Captains


A newly updated House points totals will be published in the next issue of the newsletter shortly before the end of term.