Our Community

Information & Events from our Local Community

A Message from Victoria Police

Young people going to and from school and using public spaces can be vulnerable to theft and robbery offences.   Victims are having phones, earphones, expensive clothing items stolen by offenders. Please consider these safety tips to help protect yourself:

  • Stay alert – Be aware of where you are and the people around you.   
  • Travel in groups where possible.
  • Keep it light – Only take what you need.
  • Hold it tight – Keep hold of valuables and don’t leave them unattended.
  • Out of sight – Keep valuables hidden. 

Please take a few minutes to read these important road safety messages and follow the rules and signs around your school.

School speed zones are reduced-speed areas that operate near schools. They’re designed to keep kids safe by lowering the speed limit at peak times when children are travelling to and from school.    Visit:  School speed zones : VicRoads



Great Weather - Why not start your active travel journey to school?  

Children that walk, ride, scoot, or skate to or from school are probably already feeling healthier and happier.   Start your school day with fresh air and exercise!

Even one day per week can make a difference. Part way is ok too, you don’t have to walk all the way between school and home – try a nearby park as a start/finish point.  

Being active is just as important for adults too!  Make walking and riding part of your day with your children or on your own.  If your children, see you doing exercise they will often copy.  Exercise lowers your risk of health issues, boosts your mood, helps you to connect with friends and family and assists a better night’s sleep.


Casey School Crossing Supervisors are trained to help children cross the road safely. Always listen to the supervisors' instructions.  As a driver always keep the school crossing clear.  

Take a minute to listen to the key messages from our supervisors. 

SXS Back To School.mp4




Did you see Caseys - Back to School message on social media this week?     

Watch now:   https://www.facebook.com/reel/1131513284886472






There is at present an increase in community transmission of COVID-19 in Victoria.

You can help us keep our school as safe as possible by taking 2 important steps:


1. Ensure your COVID-19 vaccinations are up to date. Information on how and where to get vaccinated is available on the Get vaccinated webpage.


2. If your child shows symptoms of COVID-19, please ensure they stay home and get tested. The easiest way to test is to use a rapid antigen test (RAT).


You can buy RATs at supermarkets, pharmacies and other retailers.

If your child has symptoms but tests negative, please ensure they stay home until they no longer have symptoms.


If the RAT test result is positive, please ensure they say home for at least 5 days and until there are no more symptoms.


Thank you for your support – these steps will help us all stay well.