1/2 TV

Welcome back to the 2024 school year!

We are so excited to see all of our class members enthusiastically returning to our classroom, getting to know each other and learning lots of interesting things about each other. We are re-kindling our friendships from last year and beginning to develop new relationships with our classmates and students in our 1/2 level.


To commence the school year, we have a whole school focus on ‘Respect’. One of the lessons we focused on was reading the book, ‘Do Unto Otters’.  We learnt about what respect looks like and sounds like. We chose three ways from the book to show respect by being friendly and polite, by saying, please, thank you and excuse me. The students chose one of these and drew a picture to demonstrate an example.



This week we are learning about collecting and sorting data. We read the book, 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' then recorded the data using pictures and tally marks on our interactive whiteboard.  The students then represented this data using blocks to create a bar graph.


1/2TV Specialists classes / class schedule

This year our class schedule for this term is as follows:

Monday - Italian and STEM

Thursday - Visual Arts and Physical Education (sports uniform)

Friday - Performing Arts, Library and Kinnect to Dance (sports uniform)


Ms Vanessa will be in the classroom on Mondays and Tuesdays, and Ms Terri will be in on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.


This year we will continue to share photos, student work and classroom notices/information with you on Seesaw, which you are able to 'like' and comment on. However, instead of sending us questions or letting us know things via Seesaw, we ask that you please use our email addresses instead. (This is a little different to last year, but something that is changing across the whole school).

Terri - terri.b@sfxfrankston.catholic.edu.au

Vanessa - vanessa.t@sfxfrankston.catholic.edu.au


Looking forward to working with you all on our exciting educational journey!

Ms Terri, Ms Vanessa & Ms Sue