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Welcome back to school for 2024! I hope you all had a safe and happy break and are ready for another busy year. I am looking forward to working with the students and watching them grow as the year unfolds.
They have settled into the school year well and are enjoying being in a new class.
We have spent the last few days getting to know each other by playing games, writing letters about ourselves, and completing surveys in maths to find out how we learn best.
Monday: STEM and Italian
Thursday: Physical Education and Visual Art (Students are to wear sports uniform on this day)
Friday: Visual Art
Kinnect to Dance:
This term the students will be participating in the Kinnect to Dance program.
This will take place on Fridays and students can wear their sports uniform.
Please note the following:
This year we will be posting on Seesaw however, our main form of communication will be via email. If you have any questions or concerns please send these via an email to the following: tamara.o@sfxfrankston.catholic.edu.au
Important dates:
Welcome Picnic - Friday 1st of March
School closure day - Wednesday 6th of March
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Tamara