Grade Bulletin - Term Three, 2024

Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Primary School provides a range of holistic learning experiences to enable students to:

  • Participate in the life and mission of the school.
  • Deepen their knowledge and engagement with the Catholic faith and tradition.
  • Build the capacity to continuously reason, reflectively, logically and critically.
  • Embrace interdependence of human existence as global citizens, who are responsible to and for themselves and others.
  • Engage in learning in a multitude of ways, through personalised and self-paced learning.

Religious Education

During Term 3, students will engage in the topics of:


1.5 Stories of God's People

This unit presents stories from both the Old and New Testaments. The parables of the Yeast, Hidden Treasure and Precious Pearl are explored throughout this unit as well as the stories of ‘Joseph’ and ‘Moses and the Burning Bush’. The unit develops the concept of the Bible as sacred, telling us about God’s relationship with people.


1.4 Nourished by God

This unit focuses on the Sunday celebration of the Mass. It introduces students to Sunday as the special day when Catholics gather at Mass to listen, remember and give thanks to God, receive Holy Communion and go out to love and serve the Lord.


Our quality literature focus this term will be focused on the textual concepts of context, perspective and argument, imagery, symbolism and connotation. Students will explore these concepts through quality literature with a focus on expanding vocabulary, persuasive techniques, persuasive and informative text structures and forming paragraphs using multiple sentences.


Reading - The students will continue to read a variety of texts with fluency, focusing on self-correcting errors and retrieving words automatically or by sounding out the word in their head instead of blending out loud. Students will continue to develop their skills to comprehend texts by activating background knowledge, vocabulary knowledge and by making connections to the text. 


Phonics and Spelling - Students are engaging with phonics and spelling daily. Students are explicitly taught different letter/sound correspondences. The focus this term is on vowel diagraphs.  


Handwriting - The students will continue to work on their pencil grip, correct letter formation and writing within and on the lines.


The students will be explicitly taught concepts from the NSW Mathematics K-10 Syllabus with a focus on using mathematical language, reasoning and understanding. Activities are differentiated to cater for all student needs and abilities. Mathematics lessons occur daily for 60 minutes including a daily review and mental arithmetic. 


The topics taught this term are: 

  • 2D Spatial Structure (Week 1), 
  • Representing Whole Number (Week 2), 
  • Combining and Separating Quantities (Weeks 3-4), 
  • Geometric Measure - Length (Weeks 5), 
  • Forming Groups (Weeks 6-7)
  • 3D Spatial Structure (Week 8-9)
  • Nonspatial Measure - Mass (Week 10)

Science and Technology

This term students will be looking at and investigating the topic, ‘Living World’ with a focus on animals. Living World focuses on the features of living things, their environment and how they change and reproduce. This strand develops students’ understanding of how living things and their environment play a central role in the support for and survival of humans. Towards the end of the term, students will complete a design and make activity where they apply their knowledge of the needs of living things.


This term the students will be looking at present and past family life. This topic provides a study of present and past family life within the context of the student’s world. Students learn similarities and differences in family life by comparing the present with the past. They begin to explore the links and the changes that occur over time and are introduced to the use of historical sources. Students will also create and present a speech about their family's past. 

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education

This term, Year 1 will participate in Physical Education (PE) lessons with Miss Reid and their classroom teacher. Students will be focusing on developing their knowledge of different games and sports. They will also be involved in an Olympic Game Class Challenge. Students will continue to develop their skills and apply them to different sports and games. Students will learn different rules and requirements for various sports. They will be working on their teamwork, communication and resilience skills. Students will participate in the Fun and Fitness Day in week 2. 


This term, students will participate in the ‘Open Parachute’ program. They will learn how to form friendships, navigate strong feelings, build boundaries and recognise unsafe situations. There will be a focus on the student's growth mindset.

Creative Arts

Students will continue participating in the Amadeus Music Education program, introduced by Sydney Catholic Schools to our school this year. Students will participate in listening, performing and sound activities with Mr Parlato. Within these lessons, students will:

  • sing in unison and parts,
  • play tuned and untuned percussion instruments, and
  • play available instruments including percussion instruments. 


Our students continue to enjoy participating in the Chinese language program called the Meg Language Program. The co-author of the Australian Curriculum writes the Meg Curriculum. All students and teachers will participate in the digital learning platform via Zoom weekly sessions with educators in China.


This term, Homework will include reading daily and reviewing spelling words relating to the sounds children are learning in the classroom. Parents are asked to sign the Reading Log each night and it is to be returned to school every day in your child's reading folder. In addition, students will be receiving a mathematics worksheet to complete each week that revises a topic taught previously in class. Homework books will be sent home on a Monday and returned on a Friday for marking.


We look forward to working with you and your child this term. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher via a note or by email through Compass.  


Miss Dominique Vuaran (1Blue)

Ms Chonteau Poot (1Gold)

Miss Holly Pooley (1White)

Important Dates for Year 1

Sport Day

Sports days for Year 1 are as follows

1Blue –   Wednesday and Friday 

1Gold –   Wednesday and Friday

1White – Wednesday and Friday



Each week, students will have the opportunity to borrow books from our school library. Please ensure your child brings their Library Bag to school on their allocated day.   

1Blue –    Friday

1Gold –    Friday

1White –  Friday

2024 - School Term 3

22 July

23 July

25 July

26 July

2 August

9 August

16 August

23 August

6 September

26 September

27 September

14 October

Staff Development Day (Pupil Free)

Students return for Term 3

Naidoc Week - Smoking Ceremonies

Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony

K - 2 Fun & Fitness Day

Grandparent's Mass & Morning Tea

K-2 Book Week Incursion - Meerkat Productions

Book Week Celebration - Whole School

Wellbeing Day incursion

Last day of Term for students

Staff Development Day

Term 4 commences


Parent calendar available at this link