Student Protection - Safety & Wellbeing

From our College Counsellors & Deputy Principal of Student Development & Wellbeing

Amber Bleakley
Tanya McConnell
Kathyrn Dendy
Amber Bleakley
Tanya McConnell
Kathyrn Dendy


Student safety and wellbeing is of the highest priority at Mount Alvernia College. To this end, we ensure that students are aware of what constitutes “harm”, how to report harm and who the Student Protection Officers are at the College. During the year we have our students read the Student Protection Information in the Student Planner, which they have already done once this year and acknowledged by signing off. May I please direct parents/carers to the Student Planner so you too can familiarise yourself with this information (pages 8 and 9). Additionally, you can find more information around the College-based student protection policies and procedures on our website. 


For your information, our Student Protection Officers are:

  • Tanya McConnell, Amber Bleakley – College Counsellors
  • Kathryn Dendy – Deputy Principal Student Development and Wellbeing
  • Samantha Jensen – Principal

These contacts are listed in the Student Planner as well as displayed throughout the school.


As educators and school staff, we are mandated by law to report suspected child abuse or neglect when we form a reasonable suspicion that a child has been, or is at risk of being, harmed. However, everybody in our community has an important role to play in keeping children safe and supported.


If you are concerned about a child you know, check in with them. If you know their parent/carer, reach out. If there are signs something is not okay, explore this further. If you don’t feel comfortable reaching out to the child or parent/carer, or it isn’t appropriate to do so, find another trusted adult to talk through your concerns with. This could include:

  • The child’s Homeroom Mentor Teacher.
  • A College Counsellor or member of the College Leadership Team.
  • Kids Helpline Ph: 1800 55 1800.
  • Queensland Department of Child Safety Ph: 1800 177 135 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm).

Visit this website to learn more about the signs of child abuse and neglect, and what to do if you suspect a child is at risk of harm: If you suspect child abuse | Community support | Queensland Government (


We regularly talk to students about wellbeing, providing tips and strategies for their mental health. We also talk to students about the importance of not holding on to information about friends if they are concerned about their mental health or other aspects of their wellbeing. This is a significant weight to bear for young people and they are certainly not equipped nor expected to deal with their friends’ mental or physical health issues. Students are encouraged to talk to a trusted adult and it is important that you too let your child know that you will always make time to sit and talk through concerns they may have about their own and others’ wellbeing, and where required, share the information with the appropriate parties.


Kathryn Dendy                                                           

Deputy Principal Student Development & Wellbeing


Tanya McConnell                           

College Counsellor


Amber Bleakley

College Counsellor