Learning News

Learning News Week 2, Term 1 2024


Learning News

It has been a busy start to the school year and our classrooms are humming along as students (and teachers) settle into the routines of learning for 2024 in their new class structures,  groupings & classrooms.  

As they do every year, our teachers have taken the first week back to complete the important job of setting expectations and unpacking our school rules - I am Safe, I am Valued, Respected & Cared for and I am a Learner. By doing this, our students clearly know what is expected of them and their classmates, setting them up for success for the school year ahead.


Our students are all working hard on our school rules and living our school motto “Let your Light Shine”, as our calm but learning-filled classrooms show.  Well done everyone on a very settled start to 2024.


Yours in learning,

Mrs Shepherd



What a brilliant start to the year, Kindergarten! Kindergarten have had a wonderful week learning about school, our classroom routines and lessons. We have been playing games to get to know our new friends' names and have enjoyed exploring our playground. Kindergarten have been practising their listening skills including learning about the 5 Ls- Look, Listen, Lips, Lap and Legs. We have even started to practise our Foundational Heggety Phonemic Awareness program. Please see some happy snaps from our fantastic first week. Great Job Kindergarten!

Miss Fraser

Year 1

This week in Year 1, the students have been learning how to spell a variety of different sight words. For this activity the students were given a sight word and they needed to make it out of magnetic letters. From this, the students then had a friend or teacher check it to make sure they were correct. This activity also aligns with our InitiaLit Program. Fantastic work Year 1! 

Mrs Gall and Miss Myers

Year 2

Year 2 have dived back into the swing of things at school by creating artworks to match our class theme ‘Under the Sea’. The students worked in pairs to make jellyfish sun catchers. They used their fine motor skills to glue pieces of cellophane onto laminating paper and then curled pieces of paper to make tentacles. The students had a lot of fun making something special for our room and they look amazing! Excellent work Year 2! Miss Rasche

Year 3/4

This week, Year 3/4 have started their novel study of ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’ by Roald Dahl. Students have reviewed the structure and features of narratives and have enjoyed participating in a range of literacy based activities about the book. Year 3/4 have gained an understanding about characterisation and how it can be used when writing, to create features about their characters. Great work Year 3/4 at using Dahl’s characterisation techniques to create your drawings of some of the characters introduced this week.  

Miss Maunder

Gwynn Kelly’s interpretation of Farmer Bean who is a turkey-and-apple farmer.
Willow Miller’s drawing of Farmer Bunce.
Gwynn Kelly’s interpretation of Farmer Bean who is a turkey-and-apple farmer.
Willow Miller’s drawing of Farmer Bunce.

Year 5

To begin our exciting school year, Year 5 has been focusing on our school rules and the expected behaviour when engaging in a range of learning areas and activities. As a class, we discussed how our three school rules and what it would look like and sound like if we were following them. The students then created some fantastic mind maps to display what we had discussed. Well Done Year 5!

Mr Beaumont

Year 6

Year 6 started the year by looking at how lyrics are used to tell stories with artists sharing where they get their inspiration from to write their songs. Students explored crafting their own lyrics and then creating a melody to match. Year 6 were very creative and had lots of fun working in groups to create some new hits! Harmonious work Year 6!  

Miss Summerell