From the APRIM

Ms. Paula Burns

Pancake Tuesday

We thank everyone for coming along and celebrating Pancake Tuesday with us on Tuesday 13th February. We shared the pancake feast together as we learned of the tradition of emptying your cupboards of treats before the start of Lent.

Ash Wednesday

Year 6’s joined in the Parish Mass for Ash Wednesday as we were invited to receive our Ashes as a symbol of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. Ash Wednesday is also the beginning of Lent, the time in the Catholic calendar of repentance as we pray, fast and give Alms in the lead up to Easter.



Project Compassion

On Ash Wednesday, your child would have received a project compassion box. Please put any loose change in these and then return to school in Week 11 where we will celebrate the joy of Easter with a Caritas Carnival. Stay tuned for more information.

Ice blocks

In Term 1 (and term 4) we sell ice blocks from our canteen. It costs 50c per ice block and all profits go to Project Compassion.


Sacramental Programme

If your child is aged 7 or over and a baptised Catholic, they are invited to take part in the next stage of the Sacramental journey, celebrating the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and first Holy Communion. Letters have gone home but if you have not received these and wish for your child to complete their Sacraments this year please contact me at for more information. The first session is on Wednesday 28th February at 6:15 at Good Shepherd Church, Clearview.


Yours in Love, Peace and Learning,


Paula Burns


Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission (APRIM)