Italian News

Ciao a tutti, siamo Signora Eleonora Schembri e Signora Heather Foletta,  gli insegnanti d’italiano a Greenvale Primary. Benvenuti a 2024. 


(Hello everyone, we are Mrs Eleonora Schembri and Mrs Heather Foletta, the Italian teachers at Greenvale Primary.  Welcome to 2024).


Every student from Foundation to Year 6 will study Italian for one hour a week, for the whole year.  Students will cover a specific theme or topic for a given number of weeks, learning the Italian language while also gathering an understanding and appreciation for the Italian culture.  At Greenvale Primary School students will apply their learning in Italian in a variety of ways:  through speaking and listening, reading and writing, playing language games, ICT, performances and singing. All classes will be learning greetings and numbers. Please practise this with your child at home. 


Come ti chiami? What is your name?                                               Ciao              Hello / Goodbye

Mi chiamo ____________.  My name is_____________.            Buongiorno    Good Morning

Quanti anni hai?    How old are you?                                               Benvenuti      Welcome

Ho nove anni. I am nine years old.                                                   Buonasera      Good evening 


Our topics this term

Foundation: Pinocchio and greetings

Year 1/2:  Mangia Mangia (Eat! Eat!)

Year 3/4: La Gallinella Rossa (The Little Red Hen)

Year 5/6: La Macchinetta Rossa (The Little Red Car)


Students and parents are encouraged to visit sites such as Languages Online, Duolingo, to review and practise their Italian at home.  These site have many interactive games, songs and worksheets that you can complete with your child.  We will be using these resources in the classroom so your child will be familiar with them. They are both free!


 Please feel free to see us if you have any questions, looking forward to working with you and your children this year.


Grazie     Thank you

Eleonora Schembri Room 3 and 

Heather Foletta Room  23                                  

A presto!             See you soon!




Below is a copy of the front cover of each student’s Italian book. There are useful phrases and words that we refer to in class.  Please go through these with your child at home.