Library News

Miss Debbie

Library News

It was so good to see everyone in their new classes, coming to the library over the past week. Library is a place that we hope students will feel confident to borrow books that are for their pleasure reading. It is a time for them to find books that they will enjoy reading at home.


We expect that all students will borrow and read their books each week. Some students were loaned a library bag this week. It would be appreciated if these bags could be returned to the library during their next library session. You can use any bag as a library bag – a plastic shopping bag, a pillowcase, any type of bag that will protect the books from squashy sandwiches, from drinks and bananas in your student’s bags.


I am looking forward to many discussions about books that students have read and enjoyed, or not enjoyed, and why. I love having these conversations with our students as it often guides our library book purchases.

Random Acts of Kindness Week 11th-17th February 2024


Kindness can have a positive impact on individuals and society.


Kindness can improve mental health and well-being. Research has shown that performing acts of kindness can have a positive impact on mental health. By performing acts of kindness, one can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.


Communities can grow when connections are created and strengthened through kindness. People have a stronger sense of belonging and social cohesion when they are connected through kindness.


We know that every small act of kindness can have a ripple effect, inspiring others to be kind.


Doing random acts of kindness creates a sense of belonging. It can help people feel more connected to their community and promote a sense of belonging.


Every act of kindness has the potential to inspire positive change in the world.


For more information -

Book Club

The Scholastic Book Club is back for 2024 and you should have received a copy of the catalogue last week. We will be doing Book Club once each term and I hope that you might be able to support your child’s reading by purchasing a book or two. The school earns reward dollars which we use to further enhance our library resources.


The Book Club orders close at 9:00am on Monday February 12th. Please use the online LOOP ordering system as detailed on the order form in the catalogue. I am hoping that we can get the books to you a couple of weeks after the closing date. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Debbie 9333 2500 or


Here is the link -