2024 Assessment Interviews


Dear Parents and/ or Guardians,


Every year in the beginning of Term one our teachers undertake individual assessments with our children to gauge entry levels. This unfortunately takes our teachers away from connecting with our children during this important time.


We believe these first few weeks are integral in making connections within the classroom. To reduce some of the time teachers are taken away from their class these individual assessments will begin in the first week before students return. 


This opportunity also ensures teachers can plan ahead with targeted teaching from the beginning of the year. 


All 2024 students (Prep-Year 6) must be booked in for a 30 minute time slot. Parents are welcome to wait outside the classroom for their child whilst this is being completed. 


Please book a time on one of the following days-


Tuesday 30th January- 11:30-4:30

Wednesday 31st January- 8:30-4:30


We ask that you book in by clicking on this link-




or by using the following QR code-








Kind regards,


Jennifer Young 

Learning & Teaching Leader