
🏫 Our first day of school!
The Prep rooms were a hive of excitement, nerves and anticipation on Thursday 2nd February, as our youngest students started their school journey. We had parents, grandparents and siblings all eagerly visiting to wish their Prep friends a happy first day!
Since then, the Preps have been building connections with their teachers and class mates, taking tours of the school to become comfortable and familiar in their new 'home away from home' and engaging in lots of fun and play along the way!
The students have amazed us by how capably and successfully they have transitioned to school life. They have shown resilience in entering the classroom each morning and saying goodbye to mum and dad (we know how tricky this can be!). The Preps are taking school in their stride and we couldn't be prouder of them!
👯 Buddies
The Preps have adored getting to know their Grade 6 buddies. 'Buddy time' at recess and lunch has been an eagerly anticipated time of the day. If we had a dollar for every time the word 'buddy' was used in the last week, we would be very wealthy teachers!
The Grade 6s have helped the Preps to feel settled and safe in the playground, shown them where to play, and encouraged them to get to know their Prep friends. The Prep teachers are very grateful to the Grade 6s for being such attentive and nurturing role models.
🎵 Prep Assembly
The Preps enjoyed their first Prep assembly under the oak tree on a beautiful summer's day. This assembly is where the students from all three grades come together to see their kinder friends, make new friends, sing songs, listen to stories and have a fun and enjoyable time together! The students love listening to Mrs Barnden play her guitar and enjoy giving their suggestions for songs to sing together.