Principal's Message 

Julie Crawford 

Welcome to our first newsletter for 2024.  It has been a very smooth start to the year and we have been so impressed with how our students have settled into their new classes, so excited and positive about the year ahead.  A special congratulations to our new prep students who have had a wonderful start to their school journey and to our grade 6s who have helped their buddies feel safe and happy.  The Grade 6 students have an important role this year as our role models and students leaders.  Last Friday, all of our Grade 6 students attended the Halogen Young Leaders Day in the city, being inspired by the stories of some well-known young leaders from different walks of life.  Shortly, our Grade 6s will also become the leaders of our TRIBES groups every alternate Monday.  There are so many opportunities for our Grade 6 to shine as leaders in our school and we are very confident that they will be amazing!


The focus in every classroom over the first weeks of each school year is building a connected and respectful community of learners.  The investment of time to establish routines, create class agreements and get to know each other more deeply, creates a community that is orderly, respectful, inclusive and connected. And in a community where there is trust, kindness and care for one another, everyone can learn and thrive. In Term 1, our first Big Idea in Challenge Based Learning is ‘Community’ which aligns perfectly with this important whole school focus.


A special welcome to our new staff, students and families. We hope you enjoy being part of our wonderful WPPS community. A warm welcome also to our new teachers Bridie Archer (Grade 4), Anthea Sampson (Grade 3), Emily Leydin (Grade 5) and Miranda Radtke (Grade 1) and our new ES staff member Jess Crea. We also welcome back from family leave, Carly Pike (Grade 5).  Please find the tab in the newsletter with the staff list for 2024. You might find this a useful reference.


Learning Priorities for 2024

The school’s Annual Implementation Plan outlines the 2024 learning priorities, targets and actions as the school works towards achieving the overall goals in the School Strategic Plan.  This year the priorities are to –

  • Maximise the learning opportunities and growth of every student, particularly in numeracy and literacy (with a focus on writing, spelling and punctuation and grammar)
  • improve student engagement by enabling greater learner agency and designing learning reflects their interests and what matters to them
  • Strengthen wellbeing by supporting students to become active, resilient and responsible citizens equipped to thrive in a contemporary world

The key improvement strategies to achieve these priorities will include:

  • further strengthen teacher capacity to use evidence to guide learning and teaching and measure impact using an inquiry cycle
  • strengthen student, teacher and parent understanding of learner agency and embed strong learning partnerships
  • continue to strengthen the school’s processes for supporting resilience, health and wellbeing 


Communication is important to build strong partnerships between home and school. The 'Getting to Know You' interviews gave parents an opportunity to meet the classroom teacher(s) and start building that important relationship. 

The ‘Wonga Weekly’ is being emailed to families each Monday, outlining what students are learning for the week and listing some useful prompts that parents might like to use to initiate conversations about learning. Also listed will be reminders about things that are happening or things students might need, so we encourage families to have a quick read of the Wonga Weekly each Monday.  

Teachers are also currently creating a recorded information session to provide more details about the year ahead for each grade level, including routines, expectations, special programs and events and how parents can assist throughout the year.  Parents will receive a link to these sessions shortly so that you can watch these at a convenient time. There will also be a specialist teachers information session covering all of the specialist subjects that students attend. 

We have also provided in this newsletter, a ‘Lines of Communication’ table to help streamline access to the staff member most likely to be able to help a parent with a particular question or concern. In most cases, the classroom teacher is the person who will be able to assist with inquiries/concerns about your child, however the table outlines other staff who can provide specific information or assist further if needed.  If you are not sure who to contact, please phone the office and Lesley or Kerry can provide further information.


Art Room Update

It is very exciting to see the changes in our art room!  The new cupboards and freshly painted walls make the space look open and bright.  The new tables have arrived and in the next few weeks new stools will be here and the makeover will be complete.  A huge thank you to Kristy Salisbury and her band of helpers for all their hard work to get the art room ready for the new school year!


School Council - nominations open on Monday, February 26th

Nominations for the 2024 School Council will open on Monday, February 26th and be due within 7 days.  Please go to the School Council tab in the newsletter for more information about the role of school council and the nomination process. Please feel free to contact me if you would like further information.


VALE Nadine Gilbee

It is with great sadness that we share that Nadine Gilbee, one of much -loved teachers, died on the 14th of February, after bravely battling cancer for the past two years. We extend our love and deepest sympathy to her husband Shaun and her two daughters, Eva and Chloe, who also attended our school.  Nadine has had a long and distinguished teaching career at Wonga Park and will be remembered as a devoted parent, passionate teacher and generous and loyal colleague.  Nadine's knowledge, wisdom, courage and compassion touched the lives of so many and she will be sadly missed by all who knew and loved her. 


The following words, written by her dear friend and colleague Jocelyn Hollyman, were shared at the celebration of Nadine's life - 

Nadine touched the hearts of so many people and today our hearts are connected through our love for her. 

One of her many gifts to the world was her exceptional teaching talent.  

She is, and will always be, a cherished member of the Wonga Park Primary School community. 

As a teacher she had a beautiful way of creating a connection with every student making them feel seen, heard and valued for who they are and helping them to embrace their uniqueness. Instilling resilience,  determination and a positive mindset was very important to Nadine.  Her instructions were carefully planned and always explicit, catering for each and every child. She worked tirelessly to support and extend students. 

Nadine was a passionate, strong, dedicated, fair, measured, honest, empathic and professional teacher.

She didn’t shy away from tough conversations with work colleagues or parents because she wanted to support people and help them grow. 

She was always striving to improve and learn. She loved to share her knowledge and teachers often sought her out for advice. 

There is a big difference between a good and amazing teacher. I’m sure we all have a teacher that sticks out in our mind. She definitely was a truly AMAZING teacher. I know that in years to come there will be students reminiscing about their outstanding teacher, Miss Peterson/ Mrs Gilbee!   

Her contribution to Wonga Park Primary School will never be forgotten. 

Whenever you encounter tough times I hope you are able to hear the encouraging words of Nadine saying, “You’ve got this. Keep going.” She certainly never gave up!

We are all better people for having known Nadine!

We will miss her dearly. 


Thank you to our beautiful Wonga Park community for the many kind messages of love and support that have been extended to the family and the staff at this sad time.


Warm regards,
