Shining Star Award 

 Term 1 – Assembly 2





Ayla DAyla, I love the thoughtful and generous way that you offer your help to me and your friends. What a beautiful and giving heart you have!
 Sierra DSierra, you are a role model to others in Prep A. You listen so carefully, share clever thinking and help your peers to be the best they can be. Thank you!


Hadley SHadley, I am so proud of the way you have embraced school life, always showing kindess and your best manners to those around you! We love having you in Prep B!  
 Toby LFor the way you never give up on tricky learning tasks and use this as a way to grow and learn. What a great start to school.  


Tayha GFor starting school with a positive attitude and enjoying the fun of learning new things every day! 
 Charlie HFor bringing his big smile to school every day and showing great listening manners when learning new things on the mat.


Darcy RFor embracing the transition to Grade 1 seamlessly, being brave and seeking support when challenged! We can't wait to see what you achieve in the year ahead! 


Bodhi KBodhi, you constantly work hard on all learning tasks and are always looking to lend a helping hand to others. What a fantastic start to Grade One! 


Mila BMila, you demonstrate such a kind and friendly attitude to your peers. You have such an eagerness to learn and it has been exciting to see your strategies to solve challenging maths tasks! Well done! 


Maeve GMaeve, you are a kind and caring ‘shining star’, reminding us all that kindness isn’t just about the things we do, but also about how we make people feel. 


Juno CJuno, you are such a kind and considerate person! I love the way you joyfully fill people’s buckets. Thank you for thoughtfully welcoming both of our new students.  


Oakley LOakley! You have come into Grade 3 excited, confident and ready to learn. I admire your ability to make everyone around you smile, and you have already brought so much positivity and joy into our grade. I am so excited for the year ahead! 


Zoe PWhat an incredible first week in Grade Three! You have been so attentive and helpful not only to me, but your friends in 3B. Thank you for noticing the little things, Zoe!
 Blair DBlair, you are such a standout member of our 3B community. You are respectful, organised and work beautifully with others. I have been impressed by your work ethic so far and can’t wait to see where 2024 takes you. 


Riley CWhat an amazing start to 2024, Riley! You work hard on every task, you make us laugh often and you think of others. We love your initiative and helpfulness. 


Thatcher TFor listening deeply during discussions and always trying your personal best. We are lucky to have you at WPPS! 


Tara WFor consistently trying your best, following the school values and classroom agreements and overcoming some challenges throughout the week. 


Zara CZara, you are constantly impressing us with the focus and effort you are placing into all work that you complete. We love your determination to achieve your personal best in whatever you do! 


Liam DLiam, your outstanding initiative and helpfulness both in and outside of our classroom is inspiring. Your proactive attitude and dedication to assisting others has made a significant impact on our learning community. Thank you! 


Kade EWhat a brilliant start to the year, Kade! Your enthusiasm and focus set a great for others. 


Chantelle You are proactive about your learning and consistently put your personal best into all aspects of it. You should be so proud of your start to Grade 6. 


Isaiah PThank you for such a sensational start to the year, Isaiah. You are committed to bringing GOTT vibes each day, and making our classroom a more connected, joy filled space. Keep it up Homie!  


Jacob C-LJacob, you are an incredibly patient and kind person. You have shown admirable resilience in the face of disappointment and great maturity in the way you can show empathy for others at the same time. I am so proud of you!