Grade 5 and 6

Our Community

We have been setting ourselves and our community up for success by building our expectations around how we treat each other and how we can be great learners. These sessions involve discussions, team work, turn-taking, respecting points of view and many other social skills. Our CBL Big Idea is around community and all the work, in every subject, that both the Grade 5s and 6s have been around this idea. In maths, we have been getting to know each other with mathematical facts, in reading we have been looking at communities and character traits which help not only ourselves, but strengthen our community. In writing, we have shared our holiday adventures and a bit about ourselves and displayed them in cool ways.


It's Buddy Time!

There is nothing more exciting in the world for both the Grade 6s and Preps than having a buddy. It's been buddy fever in Grade 6 land and the grade 6 students have more than stepped up to the challenge for being everything they can be for their little friends. 

Apart from buddies, the Grade 6s have hit the ground running. They are already proving to be wonderful role models for the rest of the school, have taken on all their new responsibilities and busy schedules with pride and enthusiasm, whilst working together as a solid community. They are already displaying leaderships skills as they fulfil their respective roles in their Interschool Sports teams, as they guide the Grade 5s in this new venture. They are also off to Young Leader's Day on Friday 16th Feb. This is an amazing day, full of inspiring young leaders.

Grade 5 World

You may think it's a cliche, but there's no doubt that the buzz amongst the teachers is that this may be the best Grade 5 cohort yet!! They have settled in beautifully to the senior school and seem right at home. They've shown strong community spirit, engagement in learning, team work in the classroom and in their Interschool Sports practice, and care for each other.