Grade 3 and 4

Welcome Back!


The 3/4 team has been busily setting up new routines and getting settled into our classrooms for the new year. Students have been setting up and exploring their learning spaces. They are also becoming familiar with the new timetable which seems to be popular due to lots of opportunities for students to have brain and movement breaks to support their learning.


What’s Going On?

The last 3 weeks have been focused around forming respectful relationships and creating supportive and engaging learning environments. There have been lots of collaborative activities to provide students with the opportunities to provide ideas and suggestions, using student voice to come up with classroom agreements. We have spent time checking in after the school holidays ,where students completed a recount of what they did during the break on a sunglasses template opportunities to draw their favourite activities too. Students also designed and decorated an 'All About Me' t-shirt, which can been seen in the 3/4 learning gallery. This forms part of our CBL focus on ‘Community’ where all learners are welcomed and celebrated.


Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden

Students from grade 3 have been excited to explore the kitchen and garden areas with Dimi (and their teachers) for the first time. Grade 4 students have loved seeing all the changes and exploring the garden in their first sessions, along with setting and naming working groups and setting up expectations for the program. All grades are excited to start harvesting and preparing food to taste and sample in their fortnightly sessions. (*please remember to pack snack and lunch on SAKG days)