Grade 1 and 2

Welcome to a new year, new class, some wonderful new friends and an exciting start to our learning journey together. The Grade One and Two students have made an excellent start to the year. All students are settling in quickly and are ready to learn. 


We have begun the year by establishing our classroom ‘families’, forming classroom expectations together around what makes a happy classroom and reminding ourselves of ways that we can ‘fill a bucket’ with kindness.

We are looking forward to a really exciting term, exploring ‘Community’ in CBL and diving deeper into our literacy and numeracy units this term.


Update from Last Year

The Grade One and Two classes from 2023 set a goal to raise money for Victoria's threatened species. We had a challenge to learn and familiarise ourselves with the issues at hand and then set about raising much needed funds. The whole group was able to raise  over $1000 for this great cause. Below is a certificate of appreciation from Zoos Victoria, thanking us for our contribution to fight extinction.