Grades 3 and 5

Dear parents,


The NAPLAN testing window will begin on Wednesday 13th March.  Our testing schedule is as follows:

DateGrade 3Grade 5
Wednesday 13th MarchWritingWriting
Thursday 14th March Reading
Friday 15th MarchReading 
Monday 18th MarchLanguage ConventionsLanguage Conventions
Tuesday 19th MarchNumeracy  Numeracy

If your child is absent for any of these dates, they will be able to complete a 'catch-up' test up until Monday 25th March.


If your child has 'over the ear' headphones which they use regularly use with their iPads, could you please ask your child/ren to bring them into school over this period and in the weeks prior, so they are comfortable using them in test situations.


Please find attached brochure with further information regarding the tests.