Careers Corner

Best wishes to all of our Year 12 students
Our very best wishes to all of our Year 12 students. Whether you decide to continue with your studies or join the workforce, we wish you well in your future endeavours. Please keep in touch and remember that we are here to help, so please feel free to contact us if you need any further information.
Life after ATAR: Navigating the world of offers, preferences and pathways
Although this article was written a few years ago, the information is still very relevant for current Year 12 students. It contains information on your ATAR and how to navigate preferences, what happens once you get an offer, pathways using Vocational Education, apprenticeship and traineeship information and taking a GAP year. It's well worth reading.
Life after ATAR: Navigating the world of offers, preferences and pathways | Good Universities Guide
Casual work and part-time jobs for teenagers
Parents/Carers, if your child is thinking about getting a job during the school holidays, the Raising Children Network have an excellent guide that provides information on:
- Ideas on finding part-time jobs or casual work
- Job applications, resumes and cover letters
- Job interviews
- Balancing casual work, school and other activities
- Teenage employment and the law
Please click here to read the guide.
Helpful information for your career
Whether you are starting your first job, or you have been working for a while, find out everything you need to know by visiting the link below.
Leaving school and unsure about what to do?
The National Careers Institute have put together an information kit to help school leavers discover what they should do next. Whether you are thinking about further education, finding a job, taking a gap year or volunteering, their School Leavers Information Kit could help you plan your next move.
Other useful sites to visit: