First Aid News




At Kalinda Primary School there are a number of children with food allergies. We have children who suffer from severe allergic reactions to a range of different foods. In some cases, skin contact can trigger an allergic reaction which may be life-threatening. To ensure the safety of these children Kalinda Primary School adopts a no food sharing policy across the school, excepting the SAKG program, supervised classroom experiences and special events that have prior approval from the principal. 

We have some students at Kalinda who are at risk of a SEVERE allergic reaction (Anaphylactic shock) to the following foods: 

Eggs/Egg-related products, Cow’s Milk, Peanuts, All Tree Nuts, Lentils, Pinenuts, Sesame Seeds (tahini), Sunflower Seeds, Banana, Avocado, Beans, Chickpeas and Kiwi Fruit.

Our school canteen will not be selling products containing these allergens EXCEPT lentils, green peas, cooked egg in baked products and mayonnaise. These items are always identified on the canteen menu and prepared separately. Families with allergies should make sure that any canteen order is clearly marked as a child with an allergy. 

All children at Kalinda must be safe at school and it is the responsibility of the school and its community to make sure that happens. Even though these children may not be in your child’s grade it is still possible for playground equipment to be contaminated by residue on fingers, etc. Please communicate this message to the rest of your family if they are making lunches for your children.


Please see our Food Sharing Policy Guidelines below. 




  • Students across the school are not permitted to share their own food at any time.
  • Gifts and rewards given by staff members will not include food items.
  • Throughout the year there will be occasions when students will be involved in shared food experiences within the classroom. These activities may be related to curriculum studies or an extraordinary special celebration. At all times, hygienic practices will be followed. To help ensure the safety of children during these activities parents will always be notified prior to the event or lesson that involves food. In this case the parents will be given the opportunity to opt out of the event or opportunity. Teaching teams will seek approval for such experiences from the Leadership team.
  • If a family opts out of an event or experience involving food, Kalinda Primary School staff will make every effort to make sure that the individual child is included in an alternative way. 

Brooke Witherow

First Aid Officer