Student achievements

Kalinda Kids shine!
Every day Kalinda kids are achieving great things in their classroom and yard, but we know that outside of school they are kicking goals as well (literally and figuratively)!
If your student has an achievement that you would like to share please send to Mrs. Hopkins so that we can celebrate them in the newsletter! Whether it is a sporting achievement, Karate grade, Cub badge or amazing new skill - we want to share it with our community.
Hamish making Kalinda proud!
Submitted by very proud parents Bianca and Chris
During the black summer fires, Hamish (4L) decided he wanted to raise money for the firefighters who were working so hard. He got donations & even sold some of his beloved toy trucks and collected $82 in a money tin. A few weeks later Covid hit & we forgot all about the tin! When we were packing to move house last year we found the tin at the back of the cupboard. Hamish took the money our local fruit and veg shop as they had a CFA donation box on the counter. He filled it up with all his coins. The owner then passed on the story to the firefighter who came to empty the donation box. He asked how he could get in touch with Hamish and she got our address when we next stopped in. On Christmas Eve a firetruck pulled up at our house and two volunteer firefighters came to the door asking for Hamish. They had no intention of sending a card, they got our address that morning and came straight over to thank him in person. They spent an hour with both he & Liam, chatting and showing them around the firetruck & using the hose. Shook Hamish’s hand and told him how grateful & impressed they were. His money will be going towards new equipment & two new vehicles. For Hamish it was the best Christmas present ever, and a wonderful lesson in kindness, compassion and generosity for all involved.