Pupil of the week 

Term 1 - 6th February - Presented at assembly on Friday 9th February


Olivia V - for being a phoneme superstar! Great job at segmenting the sounds in our word of the week. 


Zion W-S - for making such a fantastic start to school and being a great and helpful friend in STEM. You’re a wonderful role model.

Beau G-W - for making such a happy and positive start to school. Thank you for teaching us so many things about numbers!


Henry D- for such a fabulous start to school. You have been a wonderful role model to others.

Jackson G- for such a confident and kind start to school. What an absolute superstar you are.


Amber B - for being such an enthusiastic participant in our class discussions. Keep up the awesome work! 

Sam B - for your great start to Grade 1! You have settled in well to our class routines and always treat others with kindness.


Emmaline C - for a fantastic start to your new school Kalinda. It has been wonderful to meet you.

Lacey R - for a wonderful new start at Kalinda. We have loved getting to know you.


Kane P - for demonstrating ‘It takes great strength to be sensible’ with your choices both inside and outside of the classroom.

Ivy C - for confidently walking into the classroom in a calm and productive way - ready to begin our day.


Hannah V - for the kindness she shows others and making everyone feel welcome

Matthew W - for showing persistence by working hard in all his tasks this week


Thomas P- for the effort and care you put into making your Thrass crayon box.

Ryder N- for the positivity and calmness you bring into the classroom daily.


Alice N - for demonstrating ‘Be brave - participate to progress’ by joining in with our PITW games. 

Isaac B - For always using your beautiful manners within the classroom. I appreciate your kindness. 


Angus B - for settling into 3RB well and showing many respectful and responsible behaviours without any reminders!

Levi G - for working really hard to make good choices while settling into 3RB. We are proud of you Levi!


Kayla G - for settling into Kalinda and grade 3/4RP so well. We love having you in 3/4RP. 

Ari P- for the wonderful enthusiasm you show towards your learning and the positive way you have begun the year.


Mason F - for settling into Kalinda and grade 4 so smoothly. We love having you in 4D Mason. 

Leni S - for using your initiative in the classroom and showing respect to your peers. Amazing start to the year Leni!


Anjali G - for having a wonderful start to the school year. We love having you in 4L - Welcome to Kalinda!

Heidi T - For demonstrating a wonderful attitude towards your learning. Keep working hard to achieve your learning goals. You have had an amazing start to the year!


Isaac S - for your organised and enthusiastic start to Grade 5. You have shown a true focus on pursuing your personal best!

Willow M - for bravely stepping into Grade 5 and readily working with others. Your kindness towards others is truly appreciated!


Leo P - for all the random acts of kindness I notice that you do. You are incredibly caring and friendly - thank you!

Ruby B - for starting 2024 with a positive growth mindset and huge smile on your face each day!


Alex G - For being a friendly member of 5/6K and willing to work with everyone.

Lilah W - For the effort and time you put into your work to make it your best effort. 


Sofia V - for the pride and creativity you have poured into your work this week. Thank you for working so hard on every task and being a role model for our class.

Phuri J - for your exceptional start to Year 6! You have made strong learning choices and have brought a positive attitude to every task.


Archie.J - your exceptional start to the year. You have been engaged, respectful and a great role model, keep it up! 


Jed N - for a wonderful start to Grade 5. Your attitude towards your learning makes you a great role model for your peers.

Maiya P - for making strong choices for her learning. What a brilliant start to the year. Keep it up!


Alyssa D 3RP - For demonstrating care for others by finding a yard duty teacher to help an injured student