Blast off around KPS
Around Kalinda this week - we have had a blast!
Blast off around KPS
Around Kalinda this week - we have had a blast!
During our first weeks of school, all classes participate in a period of learning and connection called 'Blast Off'. The purpose of this time is to set up expectations for both academic and social/emotional growth during the year.
We have started on a record high. Below are some images from our Grade 1 & 2 classes
We are making new class expectations and agreeing on accepted behaviours
We have had an exciting start to the year in Grades 1 and 2, getting to know our classmates and teachers and settling into the routines of our new classroom.
In Maths, we talked about how we can play games cooperatively with others through turn-taking, following the rules and sharing the setup and pack up of materials.
We played ‘Get out of my house!’ and practised our addition strategies.
In Positive Education, we have been talking about our feelings. We made ‘Feelings Monsters’ using different colours for each emotion and talked about what scenarios prompt us to feel differently. Lots of us felt nervous but also excited on the first day of school!
This week, Grade 3 commenced their gardening sessions with Kelly. We picked ripened tomatoes, and learnt about the different crops we have to care for and why there are Marigold flowers in the garden beds. Excitingly, we also discovered a hole dug by an African Black Beetle! We can’t wait to start creating our rock village soon and hopefully get to harvest lots of delicious vegetables.