Star Students for the Fortnight

( Week 3 and Week 4 ) 


Junior Years

Mrs Caldow/Mrs Renato:

Jovanny Declo for a wonderful start to school. 

Well done, Jovanny!

Anjuvi Pratheep for trying her best with her learning. 

Keep it up, Anjuvi!

Mrs Wardle:

Allay Goljok for his awesome start to Grade One!! 

I am so proud of you, Allay!

Abigail He for working really hard on her reading this week. 

Well done, Abigail!

Mrs Weber:

Wol Madan for having a wonderful start to our school year and 

for being a big help in the classroom. 

Well done Wol!

Willow Kelly for being an excellent leader and role model in our classroom. 

Fantastic work Willow!

Mr Maskell:

Agnes Orr for working hard and settling to complete her tasks. 

Jethro Elrayah for settling into a new school, making friends and helping his peers.

Mrs Nicholson:

Isabella Romer for taking her time to do her best work and 

for helping to keep the classroom tidy.  

Well done Isabella!

Ben Zurawski for putting lots of thought into his rocket writing.

 Keep up the great work Ben!

Mrs Drummond:

Ampi for being a very focused learning and 

always producing her work to a high standard. 

Well done Ampi!

Joelle for always doing her best and setting a great example for her peers!! 

Mr Andronaco:

Mikha Rose for doing a fantastic job in her literacy work and being a great role model. 

Eliza Kiel for her amazing efforts in her writing. 

Fantastic work, Eliza!

Middle Years:

Mr Secchi:

Evie McNamara for challenging yourself with your maths by learning the place value of 6 digit numbers.  The way you persevered when it got challenging shows your positive attitude towards your learning.

 Well done, Evie!

Dane Ausejo for the wonderful recount you wrote about your holidays. 

It was fantastic to see how proud you were of your writing. 

Keep it up, Dane!

Mrs Anderson:

Anabelle Draper for showing she is ready to learn by

 always organising herself and her belongings correctly. 

Well Done Anabelle!

Ephraim Tolentino for putting in an amazing effort into his writing. 

Great work Ephraim!

Mr O'Hara:

Navraj Singh for completing his work to a high standard and

striving to improve his maths skills. 

Keep it up Navraj!

Nyageng Madan for pushing herself in maths to understand and 

practice until she is confident. 

Amazing work Nyageng!

Mrs Dainton:

Torah for her helping and kindness to all the students in our class. 

She is a quiet achiever when challenging tasks are in front of her. 

Well Done Torah!

Nasir for his Writing pieces.  

They are creative with well thought out problems and solutions.

Nasir also uses capital letters and full stops.

Well Done Nasir !!

Mr Howley:

Tobi for settling into the class and demonstrating a very caring attitude to others.

Ryan for his excellent planning in his narrative story about a message. 

Ryan was able to demonstrate a very good story line.

Senior Years

Mr Lindon:

Evie Gale for being a respectful and kind student in Lindon/Beks classroom. 

Evie has also worked very well towards all learning tasks. 

Well done Evie! 

Alyssa Tang for displaying fantastic GEM qualities inside the classroom and for always having a great work ethic towards her learning. 


Mr Beks:

Chevelle Skipper-O’Connor for being a kind, friendly and welcoming student in week 1.

            Rayan Vimay for being extremely well-behaved in Week 1and Week 2 

and for consistently displaying respect to teachers and classmates.


Mr Poppa:

Lola Hoare for being a responsible learner organised and ready for learning each day. 

~ Auguri Lola ~

Eva Kyriakou - Auguri Eva, you a  respectful class leader setting an 

excellent example for others to learn


Mr Searle:

Mason Laity for settling into our classroom environment showing our school values. Mason has also worked very well in the classroom contributing to class discussions. 

Nasrin Davoudi for being ready to learn and listen every day and

excelling in her reading with Mr Cooper and Mr Searle. 

Miss Casey / Mr Quinn:

Leon Maina for settling into our space with respect, kindness and 

a positive attitude towards learning.

Great start to the year Leon, keep it up!

Marlee Lancaster for being a motivated and collaborative learner, 

setting a great example in our class. Great work Marlee!