A message from our Principal

Dear St. Brendan's School Community,

It was lovely to see so many parents attending our school last night for 'Hello Night'.  The teachers appreciated your efforts on getting here to meet teachers and walk through our school.


Last week children enjoyed pancakes for Shrove Tuesday and many thanks to all the parents that came to cook pancakes.  Money raised will go towards Caritas Australia.

Caritas is a Catholic Church's International aid and development agency.  


Caritas Australia works hand in hand with the most marginalised communities in Australia and overseas to confront the challenges of poverty.


On Monday 8th, March we will also have a Solidarity Walk to raise money.


Ash Wednesday

Our Junior Years had a paraliturgy in the courtyard for Ash Wednesday and received the Ashes.  Years 3-6 attended the Ash Wednesday 9.15am Mass with the Parish Community.


Opening Mass

Our Opening Mass is Tomorrow, 23rd March at 10.15am.  All classes will attend and Parents are most welcome to join us at St. Brendan's Church.


There will be No Assembly this Friday.


Parent Teacher Learning Conversations

This is a great opportunity to discuss your child/children's progress at school.  Bookings are on line either face to face or phone call.  The dates are 26th and 27th February.



Naplan testing for Year 3 and Year 5 will begin on 13th March - 15th March.  It will begin with Writing, on the 13th March, Reading and Language Conventions on 14th March and Numeracy on the 15th March.



Just a reminder, Foundation - Year 2 Sports Uniform is on Monday and Wednesday.

Middle 3/4 and Senior 5/6 Sports days are on Tuesday and Thursday.


It is important to wear the correct uniform as it can be a risk factor if children are wearing their school shoes for sport.


We still are finding jumpers outside with no names on them.  Can you please ensure they are named so we can return them to the children.


Thanking you for your assistance.






Paula Stevenson 
