Technology News

Year 7 Art and Design
We are all so excited to welcome our new Art and Design students for 2024!
The Art and Design subject at Year 7 runs all year and encompasses both Visual Art and Technology strands of the Victorian curriculum.
The work on display here showcases work from the subject in 2023.
There are two themes explored:
The first looks at exploring Proteins- their structures and role in all living things. Students have the opportunity to explore this topic both three dimensionally and two dimensionally using a range of materials such as wire, paper clay, oil pastel, acrylic paints, and watercolours. They will explore how they might install this art work in the Milpara Room this work using either digital methods or as a proposed installation on paper.
Project 1 - Proteins
The second theme we explore is using the technology method of Textiles where students use a variety of recycled materials to create ‘Wearable Art’ learning sewing, construction techniques, assemblage, how to create prototypes and problem solve how technology will enhance, influence and shape the way we interact with the world.
Project 2 - Wearable Art
We will regularly share work from our skill building workshops so watch this space! We also have placed a lot of work created last year on our website for you to view and enjoy!
Eleanna Elliott