Middle School News

Year 7 Transition Week and Middle School Update
We welcome all our new Year 7 students and families to the College.
It has been such a wonderful start to their high school life.
All Year 7s participated in a two-day transition program to help them adjust to the College, understand College policies and expectations, make some new friends, and develop their House and school pride.
Our Year 8 to 10 students have also made a positive start to the year.
They are developing new friendships with their new classes and experiences some new elective subjects.
We ask you to ensure your student has all the correct materials for their classes, including their laptop.
If there are any IT issues, please contact the IT office.
If you need any support, please contact the school on 8458 2811.
All students have looked great in their academic and PE uniforms and know this standard will continue all year.
A reminder that phones must always be in lockers.
A reminder about the Year 7 Welcome Evening which is running at 6pm on Thursday 7 March, in the Performing Arts Centre (PAC).
The purpose of this night is to share some further information about the school (reporting cycles, learning behaviour matrix) and an opportunity to meet your students’ Head of House. We will also be sharing some photos from Year 7 Camp!
Below is a list of the Middle School House Leadership Team.
You can refer to your students’ Compass profile page to know which House your student is in, and therefore which Head of House and/or House Leader to contact via email.
Year 7 to 10 Launch
All students in Years 7 to 10 have a scheduled Launch class during period 4 every Tuesday.
The classes are combined, so Year 7 and Year 8 students are together, and Year 9 and 10 students are together.
The purpose of this class is to provide an environment where students can develop, learn, and understand more about themselves, and their communities.
The four topics that all students explore are:
- My Self
- My Future
- My Passion
- My Vision
We ask for your support in maintaining high levels of attendance in this class to ensure your student can have the full Viewbank College experience.
In this class, we can teach skills, knowledge and understanding that we wouldn’t otherwise be able to in normal scheduled classes.
These skills are vital in supporting our students to live in our current world.
All Launch teachers will be assessing every student’s Learning Behaviours based on participation and engagement in Launch.
If you have any further questions about Launch, please contact your relevant Launch Teacher, or House Leader.
Year 10 Overlay
All Year 10 students participate in Overlay, every Friday morning, period 1.
The purpose of Overlay is to provide an opportunity for students to explore their career pathways, in a structured setting.
In these classes, students will have presentations from external providers, hear from the career’s team (Bronwyn Haines and Sandra Vaina), and complete their Career Action Plan. Overlay time is also spent preparing students for their Work Experience week, which is the last week of Term 2 (Monday 24 June to Friday 28 June).
We look forward to hearing how your students are progressing in their career pathways in Overlay classes this year.
Penelope Cleghorn
Middle School Assistant Principal