From the Principal Class

Dear Viewbank College Community,
Nearing the end of the second week of term and I wish to reflect on the great start to the year.
Students have transitioned back to school with a positive mindset and have engaged well with their teachers and their learning. The College has a focus on maintaining a calm and productive learning environment, and the expectation that every student will see growth in their learning across the year.
The College has a number of new staff this year (see below) and we welcome them to the College.
- Em Carroll - Art/Leading Teacher Inclusion
- Casey Cartledge-Giovanazzo - Global Politics/Humanities
- Brianna Coyle - Admin/Reception
- Natalie Crawford - Science
- Jayne Duffy - English
- Julia Feneziani - Psychology/Humanities
- Mio Fukumori - Japanese/Maths
- Sam Goodman - English/Literature
- Shuran He - Business Management/Accounting
- Corlien Heijnen - Food Tech
- Brad Hosking - Middle School House Leader - Ignis/Health/PE
- Amie John - Middle School Head of House - Hydra/Commerce
- Leona Ma - Science/Maths
- Ritika Mahajan - Learning Specialist Numeracy/Maths
- Alpha Mastrano - Maths
- Narelle Matton - International Student Program Assistant
- Jordan Negrin - Health/PE
- Raewen Orpen - Reception/Admin
- Emily Palekis - Voice/Music
- Luke Power-Virant - Maths/Physics
- Rianna Russo - Psychology/Humanities
- Penny Stevenson - Instrumental Music - Woodwind mixture
- Brooke Taylor - Health/PE
- Tina Wilkinson - German
Please note the new House Leadership graphic for Middle School and Senior School can be found on the relevant pages in this newsletter. These staff are the contact for families for any support needed for your student.
In the first two weeks, we have held the Year 7 transition program, Year 12 Secrets to Success program at Latrobe University, Instrumental Music information evening, College swimming carnival (see Sport News page) and auditions for our 2024 College production, Seussical. Cast list for Seussical will be up at the PAC at 3.15pm today
Next week (Tuesday) we invite our 2023 High Achievers back to the College, where we celebrate their success at a celebration assembly.
This year, to continue to build on the successful VCE results from 2023 (31 median study score), we will run a "High Achievers Program”, with mentoring and support from past students.
Year 12 jackets have been distributed.
This is a challenging year for our Year 12’s, so parents and carers are invited to our Year 12 breakfast next week. This is a chance to meet the VCE team, teachers and other parents. We will discuss how parents and carers can work to support their student and ensure clear lines of communication with the VCE team.
Today we are celebrating Lunar New Year with our local and international Asian students. This is an important event on the calendar and many of our International students will be celebrating away from home and family for the first time this year. We wish all families Happy Lunar New Year – Year of the Dragon.
PICS here
I am very pleased to see students and staff using our new walking track. This is a great way to refresh and enjoy some exercise during break time. We continue to work on enhancing the break-out spaces on the track.
The new cricket nets are near completion and these will be available for Phys Ed classes and for use at breaks. They will also be available for use by the local junior teams that train and play after hours.
Am I Ready to Learn? 5Ps Expectations
Viewbank College uses the School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS), a Department of Education (DET) program to support our students to demonstrate respectful behaviour and to enact our Respectful Relationships pledge.
In 2024, we have launched our ‘Am I Ready to Learn?’ 5Ps Expectations poster as a clear way to have consistent expectations across all classes, in all subjects, for all teachers. When these expectations are adhered to, we are providing an ideal learning environment for all students to achieve learning growth.
This poster was co-constructed by both teachers and students in 2023 and is now hanging up in every classroom in the school. We are encouraging all teaching to teach these expected behaviours to their classes, and to reward students who show these positive behaviours. We want to catch the students doing the right thing, as opposed to having conversations with students when they don’t adhere to our expectations. Pleasingly, there were several Year 7 students who could recall all 5Ps in order!
We will continue to teach and re-teach these 5Ps and encourage all families to have conversations with their student about the ‘Am I Ready to Learn?’ poster.
Call out for Expressions of Interest from our alumni
We are building into our Year 12 program a Tertiary Preparation Program.
This is a program that we are seeking to pay past students to assist with giving current Year 12 students support in their studying, motivation and also helping them to work together to push for their best results.
You will need to be available either Tuesday afternoon between 2.00pm-3.15pm or Thursday afternoon between 3.30pm-4.30pm.
Please email Anna Crosswhite – if you are interested.
Viewbank College School Council - Call for parent and student nominations - applications close 4pm Thursday 22nd February, 2024
At this time of the year, we are required to call for nominations for places on the Viewbank College School Council.
This is quite a commitment of time, but an invaluable experience and opportunity to contribute to all aspects of the educational program at the College as well as its governance.
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) for College Council will take place on Tuesday 19th March, 2024 at 6.30pm. This is to celebrate the achievements of 2023 and to set our course for 2024.
However, before that date, the College needs to hold College Council elections as there are councillors who will be completing their elected two-year cycle.
I encourage any members of the community to nominate.
The College Councillors whose term is about to conclude are:
Parent Members:
- Belinda Abbott
- Peter Harris
- Swati Joglekar
- Chris Madden
- Sam Ricardo
- Maria Tickle
- Graham Webb
Student Members:
- Zoe Bastian
Call for Nominations:
The College Council Election process began on Wednesday 7th February, 2024 with the Notice of Election and Call for Nominations for the period of March 2024 - March 2026 for parents and the period March 2024 – March 2025 for students.
Attached below are the relevant documents.
If you are interested, please complete the relevant nomination form and prepare a simple candidate statement (no more than 150 words) and return to Deanne Ioannidis at the College, no later than 4pm, Thursday 22nd February, 2024
(Please note: late applications and applications without candidate statements will not be accepted).
Translations of these schedules in five community languages (Arabic, Dari, Traditional and Simplified Chinese and Vietnamese) can be found in the School Policy and Advisory Guide at: elections: translated documents and support materials.
Candidate Statement Information:
Candidates are to prepare a brief statement to be distributed with the ballot.
This allows each electorate to gain some background about the people standing for election.
It is suggested that it be no more than 150 words.
A statement from a candidate may include information about their:
- work experience, including voluntary work
- academic and professional qualifications, if applicable
- skills and abilities including those that may be useful to the council (e.g. accounting, contract management, fundraising, organising events, etc.)
- previous and current involvement with the school, and school council including subcommittees of school council
- reasons for standing for election
- interests and hobbies.
Study Hall (Homework Club)
Study Hall will be recommencing this week after school on Thursdays (3.30-5pm).
All students are welcome and will have the opportunity to:
- Get learning support from a range of teachers (Humanities, English, Maths, Science & Arts)
- Undertake independent or small study-group work
This year, there are 2 locations for Study Hall:
Years 7-10: Library
Years 11-12/VCE: VCE Centre
School Photos
School photos will be taken on Thursday 29th February, 2024 with a catch up morning on Tuesday 5th March, 2024.
As per College Policy, facial piercings and jewellery must not be worn for photos.
To view the full College Uniform Policy please see
COMPASS > Community > School Documentation > Dress Code.
To order school photos, please see below flyer.
Chief Exam supervisor
We are currently seeking a VCE Examination Chief Supervisor.
This position supports the administration of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) General Achievement Test (GAT) in June 2024 and over an approximate four week period in October and November 2024, ensuring the fair and consistent conduct of examinations in an environment that enables students to perform at their best.
Successful applicants will need to have strong organisational and time management skills, high level of attention to detail, strong interpersonal skills and the ability to work independently and as part of a team.
The positions are remunerated according to the prescribed VCAA Exam Supervision arrangements and are engaged for approximately four weeks of work with varying hours in that timeframe according to the examination timetable (Hours are generally 8am to 5.30pm).
Pursuant to VCAA requirements, the Chief Supervisor cannot be:
- Closely related to or associated with any students undertaking a VCE Unit 3 and 4 study in 2024
- Teaching or tutoring any student in a VCE Unit 3 and 4 study in 2024
- Closely related to or associated with any person engaged in teaching, tutoring or coaching any students undertaking a VCE Units 3 and 4 study in 2024, or any school personnel engaged in organising or checking external VCE assessment materials on behalf of a school in 2024
- Currently or recently employed by Viewbank College in any teaching (including CRT) or administrative capacity.
Special Requirements:
- The successful applicant will hold valid Working with Children Check or Victorian Institute of Teaching registration.
- Training will need to be conducted and organised for at least one afternoon this term.
The VCE General Achievement Test (GAT) takes place on a single day in June (18/06/24) and the exam period covers approximately four weeks in October/November (29/10/24-20/11/24).
Supervisors need to be available for administrative tasks and supervision during these times. The Chief Supervisor must also be available to prepare materials for courier collection during these times which is collected from their place of residence.
Please submit your expression of interest by Friday 1st March at 5pm including a CV with at least 2 referees to
Student accident insurance, ambulance cover arrangements and private property brought to the College
The Department does not provide personal accident insurance or ambulance cover for students. Parents/carers of students, who do not have student accident insurance/ambulance cover, are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including the cost of ambulance attendance or transport as well as any other transport costs.
It is the responsibility of parents/carers to look into their preferred options in this regard. The Department cannot provide advice to parents/carers on the purchase of individual student accident policy or ambulance cover.
Private property brought to school by students, staff or visitors is not insured and the Department does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage.
Private property brought to school by students, staff or visitors is not insured and the Department does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage.
This can include mobile phones, calculators, toys, sporting equipment and cars parked on school premises. As the Department does not hold insurance for personal property brought to schools and has no capacity to pay for any loss or damage to such property, students and staff should be discouraged from bringing any unnecessary or particularly valuable items to school.
Please note:
- Parents or guardians of students, who do not have student accident insurance, are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including the cost of ambulance attendance or transport as well as any other transport costs; and
- Parents or guardians can purchase insurance policies from commercial insurers.
Parent Involvement - Get involved!
We are extending an invitation to any parent who would like to be involved in the College. These groups support the experience of students in particular areas of the program and are an opportunity to connect with other parents.
The College has the following parent groups:
Friends of Performing Arts (FOPA) - the FOPA group of parents support the College’s excellent and extensive Music and Performing Arts programs. They meet twice a term in the lead up to significant fundraising and performance events for the College including the Autumn Festival, Music Showcase, Production and Middle School Production.
FOPA initiates fundraising to purchase and upgrade music and drama equipment.
Funds are also raised to help support transport costs to Camps and Performance Assessments.
Please check the College website calendar or newsletter for upcoming meetings and anticipated music and performance events.
If you are interested in joining FOPA please contact Assistant Principal’s, Emma Ford or Rachael Smith
Friends of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) - A parent-teacher-student body supporting the STEAM program at school. The various activities undertaken include fundraising through the annual STEAM futures conference, supporting grant writing proposals and providing the opportunity to students to attend specialist talks in various STEAM fields of study.
For further information, please contact the STEAM Leader, Veena Nair
Advocates of Sport and Physical Activity (ASPA) - The Advocates for Sport and Physical Activity is a group of interested parents, staff and students with a collective vision to coordinate and promote sport and physical activity at Viewbank College.
The group will engage in fundraising for specific programs and work to establish links with external organisations to auspice programs and opportunities for students to engage in sport and physical activity.
For further information, please email the College.
Naming student's items - lost property
A reminder to please ensure student's items are labelled clearly with their name so that lost property items can be easily returned to students.
The General Office lost property cupboard is filled with items that do not have names on them and unfortunately we do not have the space to keep them.
Unclaimed and unnamed school items get donated to welfare and other non school items get donated to a charity bin after 2 weeks.
Check out our new instagram page
We have revamped our insta page - check it out @viewbankcollege3084
Sharon Grimes, Principal
Emma Ford, Assistant Principal
Rachael Smith, Assistant Principal
Anna Crosswhite, Assistant Principal
Penelope Cleghorn, Assistant Principal