Performing Arts Term 1

Performing Arts 2024


Welcome back to Performing Arts, and welcome to all of our new families! After an amazing production year for 2023 seeing ‘Finding Nemo Jr.’ take to our stage at Malvern Town Hall, I’m looking forward to seeing the heights that the children of St. Joseph’s will reach for this term and beyond!


The children have been getting familiar with our Performing Arts space. Each class will have Performing Arts once a week with me in the hall. We've revised our rules and expectations to ensure that we can maintain a safe space to allow our creativity to flourish.


We will be focusing on lots of integrated learning and developing skills such as confidence, creativity, improvisation, singing and dancing. The children will continuously engage in various group activities that focus on cooperation and communication. 



Here is a brief overview of our main areas of focus for Term One: 


  • Class expectations 
  • Puppets - finger/hand puppets
  • Storytelling through puppets/characters



Dance -ballet, hip hop (fundamental movements)

Year 1 - Year 2


Dance - ballet, hip hop (fundamental movements and body language)

Year 3 - Year 4


Dance - ballet, hip hop (history)

Year 5 - Year 6


Dance - ballet, hip hop (history, cultural significance)

Performing Arts Award

One student from each class will receive a Performing Arts award and prize at the end of each term. These awards will be given to students who consistently display the STAR values during Performing Arts lessons. Along with a certificate, there will be a prize to encourage creativity and confidence to grow.


Here are some photos of what we got up to for our first Performing Arts lessons this week. Please enjoy, and feel free to contact me on the below email if you have any queries.


Edel Cleere

Performing Arts & STEM teacher