Learning Focus

Term 3 is known to us at Newport Lakes as The Learning Term. It’s the term with the least distractions; teachers aren’t getting to know how their students learn like they were back in (the always short) Term 1. There aren’t end-of-semester reports, so there isn't a heavy focus on assessment and reporting like in Term 2. Term 4 is filled with all sorts of special events (swimming and beach programs, camps, transition, graduation, and the like), as well as the aforementioned assessment and reporting requirements. So, Term 3 really is the sweet spot. Connections have been made. Routines are in place. Expectations are set. Learning happens.


While there are a number of exciting things on our calendar for the next 10 weeks - Science Week will be thrilling, Book Week is always a highlight, and the production will bring us together and celebrate our amazing community - the most exciting thing about Term 3 for me is the well-oiled machines that our classrooms become. Our students really get to stretch out those learning muscles!


It seems like as good a time as any to come back to the elements of agency I discussed in an article earlier this year. In the time since that article, I launched a little bit of a competition for our students, which involved designing icons that would help us connect to these skills - skills that help us to be successful learners. I’ll catch up with the students who were successful in designing our icons in the coming weeks, and you will start to see these little drawings around the place - when you see one, ask your child about it and see where the conversation takes you.




Acting with Courage: Courage isn’t always about jumping out of helicopters but about being open to a challenge. It's about stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new, even when it’s difficult or unfamiliar. Our students are encouraged to take risks in their learning, ask questions, and embrace new experiences. And there will be so many opportunities to practise this in Term 3!




Managing Uncertainty: Term 3 is when some uncertainty about the future starts to creep in. Our Grade 6s learned about their next schooling venture earlier this week, and they will need to operate in the face of unknowns and uncertainties this term. All of our students will be challenged to stretch their thinking - and this can be a daunting thing! By developing adaptability and problem-solving skills, our students can confidently face these new challenges and turn uncertainties into opportunities for growth.



Valuing Utility: Students start to see that the hard work they put into something has value beyond the completion of a task. Whether it be our Foundation students revelling in their ability to write lists and secret notes and letters to Grandpa after the hard work of learning to form letters and match graphemes to phonemes or our Year 4 students being able to work fluidly with fractions because they have started to nail their multiplication facts, students constantly experience the payoff for prior focussed learning.


As we move through Term 3, let's celebrate the incredible growth and achievements of our students. With courage, the ability to manage uncertainty, and an appreciation for the real-world applications of their learning, our students are really readying themselves to face the future.


Here's to a productive, engaging, and inspiring Term 3 at Newport Lakes!



Mat Williamson

(no longer just acting) Assistant Principal