Year Level News

Including Specialist Subjects

Foundation News

Fire Education

Year 1 News

Year 1 Poets

At the end of last term our Year 1 students dipped their toes into the genre of poetry.  Students unpacked what they believed to be the ingredients of a poem (things like, “it might rhyme”, “it should feel like a song”, “it might be funny”, and “sometimes they are hard to understand”).  


We did a deep dive into reading different types of poetry and then students had a go at writing their own poems.  Over the week, the students crafted emotions poems (based on the picture story book, ‘The Colour Monster’), five senses poems, ‘I wish I were…’ poems and even Haiku.  


Emotions poem: Calm

This is calm,

It is quiet like a baby bird,

You feel calm and happy and excited,

You are still.

Written by Jack


Emotions poem: Embarrassed

This is embarrassed.

It feels lonely.

You feel like a storm crashing.

You feel nervous and go red.

Written by Shay


Emotions poems: Worried

This is worried.

It shivers and shakes like a sea cucumber.

You feel quiet and scared.

When you are worried your teeth chatter and you sweat.

This is worried.

Written by Lia


Senses poem: Werewolves

The werewolf is brown and scary like a dirty soul,

It sounds like a howl,

It is wet like a dog’s nose,

It feels like water going down your hand.

And it tastes like the most disgusting furry, muddy sandwich!

Written by Henry


‘I wish I were…’ poem

I wish I were a racoon

Creeping around at night

Tiptoeing and giggling

On a squeaky, yellow wheelbarrow at a school

I wish I were a racoon

Written by Mackenzie



Multicolour looks like the bright rainbow in the sky.

Multicolour sounds like the wavey wild wind.

Multicolour smells like the sweet lolly snakes.

Multicolour feels like the impossible rainbow to touch.

Multicolour tastes like the colourful jellybeans.

Multicolour is mindful.

Written by Jai


‘I wish I were…’ poem

I wish I were a unicorn.

So I can do magic.

And put glitter everywhere in the town.

I wish I were a unicorn.

Written by Delilah



Flowers blooming bright

Petals are so colourful

Bees tickling them.

Written by Skye 



Auslan News

As part of the Book Week celebrations, we are very excited to have deaf author Kerrie Taylor back again to visit NLPS students!  During the week of 12th August all students from Prep to Year 6 will be timetabled to meet with Kerrie during class time.  Since visiting NLPS last year, Kerrie has released two new Auslan / English books which she will share with the students during her visit.  More information about her visit will be provided in the coming weeks, so please stay tuned!


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