Student Awards

Student of the Week 02/08/2024
Class | Student | Reason |
P1E | Xavier | For having a great week in the classroom. You are trying your best to be brave and try new things. You are caring and kind and well liked by others. Keep up the great work, Xavier. |
P1M | Darcie | For working so well in literacy groups. You listen carefully and have gained confidence when sounding out the CVC words. Keep up the fantastic work Darcie. |
12C | Ada | For having a fantastic week of learning! You have been kind, happy and helpful all week. You should be very proud of your efforts. Keep up the great work! |
34R | Addi | For using great thinking skills and logic when learning about decimal fractions. You are a Maths Whizz Addi. Keep up the great work! |
34S | Jacob | An excellent week Jacob – I was particularly impressed with your knowledge of chance, your ability to calculate mathematical probabilities, and the clear way you have been able to talk about this understanding! |
56H | Emily | For working hard during all learning tasks this week and for consistently displaying wonderful listening skills and respect towards others. Great job Emily!
56W | Addi | For using great thinking skills and logic when learning about decimal fractions. You are a Maths Whizz Addi. Keep up the great work! |
Science | Lily | This week’s Science Award goes to a hard-working student who did amazing work for the topic of Animal Classification. Congratulations to Lily. |
Art | Craig | your focus and determination while creating your Olympic paper construction sculpture. |
Music | Sienna | This week’s Music Award goes to a student who participated to her full potential. Congratulations to Sienna. |
Values Rohan | Lane | This week’s Values Award goes to a student who has been a great help around the school and during class. Congratulations to Lane. |
L.O.T.E Auslan | Mackenzie
Joey | Mackenzie you are always respectful, always ready to work, and your Auslan workbook presentation is always very neat and organized!
For having a perfect lesson! You were engaged, polite, and you worked very hard too! Well done Joey!
Student of the Week 09/08/2024
Class | Student | Reason |
P1E | Alison | For working hard during our Literacy sessions. You are setting a good example for the rest of the group and you are making steady progress in your learning. Keep up the amazing effort Alison. |
P1M | Chase | For working really hard on remembering the days of the week and their sequence. Well done on a fantastic week of learning. |
12C | Ella | For being a keen participant during our literacy lessons this week. You have shown that you are a confident student who can work hard. Keep up the great work, Ella! |
34R | Liham | For following the School Values by always being willing to work with other students and help them with their work. Well done Liham! |
34S | Jordan | Great effort Jordan – you have approached your work this week with a really no nonsense let’s get it done attitude – this has been so impressive – keep it up! |
56H | Jake E | For performing the role of Debating Chairperson for the Year 3-4 Debating Festival in a responsible and professional manner. You have showcased your leadership skills in a positive and enthusiastic manner while undertaking this role. Excellent work Jake!
56W | Zavier A | For being an excellent help in the set up of all our sports activities as well as giving everything a go in class, you have submitted some great work this term. Keep up the great work, Harvey. |
Science | Oliver K | This week’s Science Award goes to a motivated student who produced excellent work for the topic of Animal Classification. Congratulations to Oliver. |
Art | Siara | For showing great persistence and pride in your art – well done Siara! |
Music | Jersey
To the Students of 56H (particularly Elijah, Kai, Larna, Eloise, Jake E, Jason, Emily, Dayeisha, Tiana, Mia, Dustin, Jake T)
| For excellent active listening and learning to play her music very quickly!
For excellent reading and playing “Rollin’ in the Deep” on marimbas, xylophone and boomwhackers!
Values Rohan | Amelia | This week’s Values Award goes to a hard-working, polite and helpful student, who always attempts work to the best of her ability. Congratulations to Amelia. |
L.O.T.E Auslan | Eloise | Being respectful and always ready to learn. Eloise was able to interpret the teachers signed instructions accurately and then re-sign those instructions to the whole class