School Operations
Mrs Shannon Allen
School Operations
Mrs Shannon Allen
Our School Photo Day (pictured above) went splendidly yesterday, with most students looking well-presented in their uniform. It was fantastic to see that students were able to organise to wear the correct uniform on such an important occasion. Given this, it is timely to remind students that “Photo Day” standard of dress is also the expected dress for every school day in Term Two and Three. I look forward to seeing all students remembering their blazer each day now as they come to and from school.
Please remember to order your school photos online at using your unique student code prior to the cut-off date of 29 August. Students who were absent yesterday will be rescheduled to have their photo taken on Photo Catch-Up Day - Monday, 19 August.
A Uniform Reminder
Our students are required to meet the following presentation standards.
With Open Day rapidly approaching next Friday, Year 12 students are reminded that they have a Study Day on 16 August and are not expected to attend school. Teachers will leave instructions and resources on SEQTA to help guide the learning they are to undertake on the day. Year 11 students will either be involved with running the Open Day Tour Groups at school, or will also have a Study Day at this time. Students in Year 7 to 10 are expected at school and will be involved in a range of exciting learning activities in our alternate timetable. Students will find out their activities for the day in PCG on the morning of Open Day. How exciting!
Mrs Shannon Allen
Head of Operations