Chaplain's Corner

Fr Gift Makwasha

Shoulder to shoulder for the environment

After spending five days at the invigorating Anglican Schools Australia (ASA) conference in Melbourne together with our School Principal, Mrs Tina Campbell, and our School Head of Operations, Mrs Shannon Allen, I returned fired up to continue addressing in the chapel our Term Three school theme: Respect for the Environment. 


Our Anglican Identity asks us to be fully present wherever God places us. We put our faith into practical action as we address issues in our community. One of the areas Anglican Identity is concerned about today is the catastrophic global climate change. Experts say that the earth has in the past 15 years accumulated almost as much heat as it did in the previous 45 years! The fossil fuels we humans are burning, and greenhouse gases, are causing the planet to heat up. As an Anglican school, we consider the earth as God’s precious creation. 


Our Anglican Identity requires us to play our part in looking after the environment in which we are placed. Our placement is in this City of Perth, the home of our school! In chapel this term we will be impressing on our students to foster habits that will inspire them to take larger responsibility within the wider community in relation to earth care. 

Charity begins at home. It begins within the walls of our school, with looking after our school furniture, the chairs and desks, cleaning our classrooms, tucking in chairs after lessons, wiping the board, not messing the stairway with food during recess and lunch, putting trash in the correct recycling bin, keeping our school toilets clean minding that others will use them after us. I believe that having respect for our school environment will inspire us to do even better in the wider community.



Fr Gift Makwasha 

School Chaplain