Principal's Post

Mrs Tina Campbell

What it means to be an Anglican school

I recently returned from the Anglican Schools Australia national conference in Melbourne where alongside a large number of Senior Educators and School Chaplains in Anglican Schools we talked about ‘Embracing our Anglican Identity’ – what is it that makes St George’s an Anglican school?


Articulating what it actually means to be an Anglican School in Australia today can be challenging at times given the variety of perspectives on what it means to be Anglican in an increasingly secular society.


For me, it is a range of things . . .

  • Firstly, that we are a place of inclusion – everyone is welcome in an Anglican school, and we have a vast array of students and families of so many differing faiths and of no faith within our wonderful St George’s Family. 
  • Secondly, as a school we focus on a sense of giving back to the community at large – being of service to others is important to us.
  • Thirdly, we worship together, whilst equally being respectful of the beliefs of all members of our school community and how blessed are we to be able to gather for worship as a whole school weekly at St George’s Cathedral. 
  • Fourthly, faith is invitational within our school. It is spoken about within our classes and pastorally, but is offered to students as something that is worthy of being explored and discussed openly and honestly, while also understanding that all members of our school are on their own unique faith journey, reflecting carefully and in a considered way the meaning of faith and the place of faith in their own lives.

This week many of these aspects of our Anglican Identity were vividly on show and it was beautiful to see.

 We held our whole school Eucharist Service at St George’s Cathedral on Monday, where the students were so delightful in coming up for a blessing or to partake in Holy Communion. Father Gift tells me that he has four students wanting to be baptised and/or confirmed this year. 


We have also celebrated House Week this week with a vast range of activities where everyone has been invited to take part and contribute to that special sense of House spirit that exists here between Gandhi, Lincoln and Mandela. In House Week, everyone matters. 


And tonight, we Team St George’s head to Optus Stadium to be part of the annual Anglicare School Sleepout for the homeless. I am sure they would welcome further donations if you would like to contribute to such a worthy cause – supporting the Street Connect Bus which provides support, advocacy and referral to young people who are street present or at risk of homelessness. 


This is who we are as an Anglican School and this week it brought me great joy to see so many aspects of our Anglicanism celebrated in what was just a normal busy week in Term Three.


Wishing you a wonderful weekend,


Mrs Tina Campbell
