Assistant Principal News

Term 3 Greeting


I hope this newsletter finds all the members of our school community well, especially in this very cold winter month. After an extended week of term break, I came back to school on Monday last week and it was lovely to see our students, parents and teachers again. Two weeks can bring some changes for our students and it seems that they have grown taller and stronger over the break! I hope everyone had an opportunity to re-energise and rest and they are feeling excited about the term ahead. 毎日異例の寒さに見舞われている昨今ですが、みなさまいかがお過ごしでしょうか。先週の月曜日にホリデーから戻り、久々に会った生徒たちは背が伸びたり、出来なかったことが出来るようになっていたりと、2週間のホリデー中にまた少し成長したようです。忙しかった2学期を終え、少しでも体を休めることが出来たでしょうか。また楽しい日々の再開です!


Prep Students - 100 days of school


Wow! How fast the time flies, our Prep students have already attended 100 days at school. Although it was fast for us grown-ups, it was a big transition for our Prep students and they have had some adventures. 100 days of school means 100 days of fun, smiles, learning, developing friendships, overcoming challenges, becoming more resilient and independent. For parents, it means 100 days of morning drop-offs, afternoon pick-ups, feeling proud of their child, preparing lunches and school uniforms, worrying, learning, collaborating with our teachers and many more. Congratulations to both our Prep students and parents on this achievement! We are so lucky to have you all at our school. あっという間に時間が経ってしまう感覚というのは、大人独特の感覚なのかもしれません。プレップの生徒たちも入学してから100日を迎え、あっという間だったと感じる反面、幼い彼らにとっては大きな変化があった100日だったと思います。100日分の楽しみ、笑顔、学び、友達、チャレンジ、そして100日分強くなり、一人前になりましたね。プレップの保護者の皆様にとっては、100日分の送迎、誇り、お弁当や制服の準備、100日分の心配、学び、先生たちとの会話などがあったと思います。プレップの生徒たち、100日達成おめでとうございます。プレップの保護者の皆様、100日分、お疲れ様でした!これからも何卒宜しくお願い致します。


Policy Updates


The Education and Policy sub-committee has been busy updating all the child safety related policies since last term. We have some policies approved by the school council over the last two meetings and we will share them with the school community once the whole series of policy has been reviewed and approved. 



Snapshots from the classroom


I visited Klein Sensei’s maths lesson last week. Students were learning the positional language such as front, back, on and under. Not only do they understand what each word means but also they could say it in correct Japanese. They were creating a small picture book to demonstrate their understanding of the concept. Well, they have done 100 days of school now, so they are quite comfortable using their Japanese! Impressive, Preps! 先週、クライン先生の算数の授業にお邪魔してきました。生徒たちは位置を表す言葉の勉強をしていました。それぞれの言葉の意味を理解するだけではなく、それを正しい日本語で言うことが出来ました。また、その理解を示すために小さな絵本を作っておりました。100日を終了したプレップさんたちは、さすがですね!