
Gardenvale Musical 2024

Gardenvale Primary’s School Musical for 2024


All Year 5 and 6 students and 2 students from each other class in the school.


ALEXANDER THEATRE, Monash University, Clayton


LEAD ROLE Rehearsal:      Monday 9th September       1.00pm-5.00pm Alexander Theatre

FULL CAST rehearsal:       Tuesday 10th September     9.00am–2.30pm - Alexander Theatre


OPENING NIGHT:             Tuesday 10th September          7.30 pm Alexander Theatre

MATINEE                             Wednesday 11th September   11.00 am Alexander Theatre

NIGHT TWO:                       Wednesday 11th September    7.30 pm Alexander Theatre

EVENING SHOW:              Thursday 12th September         5.30 pm Alexander Theatre



Dear Gardenvale Community,


The Gardenvale musical for 2024, ‘Eureka,’ has been written and everything is well underway. Auditions have been held and the cast has been selected and notified of their roles. It is expected that all students in Years 5 and 6 be involved in the musical in an acting, singing or dancing capacity. 


2 students are selected from each of the classes from Years Prep to 4. The selection of these students is made at the discretion of the Performing Arts teacher and the class teacher, and they have already been notified.


Every Wednesday throughout Term 3, rehearsals are held all day in the Junior Campus Hall. All the staff have been absolutely blown away already by the dedication and enthusiasm of all the Year 5 and 6 students who have been learning their lines, songs and dances and putting them together in each scene. We are particularly thrilled with the leads, who have learnt their lines so well. This show is going to be an absolute knock out!



Students from Year Prep to 4 who have been selected for the musical will begin their rehearsals soon and will start rehearsing with the whole cast in a week or two.


A wonderful soundtrack, put together and mastered by Tom Pitts, with the original songs being sung by our talented students, is almost ready for you to listen to, and I will keep you posted about this so you can learn all the songs and sing along at the show.


The Hoodies have been very popular, and I would like to thank Nicole Goodman for creating the fabulous logo and for also offering to create the program.


Rachel Bloom and her team of parents have been sorting and organising costumes and I thank them for getting this area well underway.


Ross Jones has been working tirelessly on the sets and if you walk into the Junior Hall, you will be able to see his wonderful work. I thank Ross so much for his dedication to our musicals over the years. He is amazing.


Coming up, there will be a dress up day where students in the musical are photographed for the program. I will let you know the date asap. Tickets will be on sale in August. Stay tuned!!


We are very excited about this production of Eureka and encourage all school families to put the dates in your diary and make it a ‘must see’ production for 2024. 


Julie Pitts